The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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West Side Songsters End CHICOPEE Party in Police Station Oak Patrick NO APPROPRIATION OR COLUMBUS DAY THOMPSONVILLE and DR BENNETT SAYS OLD GOSPEL BEST the Scouts and coun ALLS OUT BED being told now that the I think" OBITUARY Elizabeth II Garvey SPRINGIELD his HOLYOKE HELD OX WET CHARGES SCHURMAN AGAIN HONORED CITY NEWS NOTES OLO STORM ONE KILLED UOR TO THE TRADE lo mutual aid societies in each LONGMEADOW Il K5T 0 I) 11 XG CO WPLETE 5 6130 at NO EAKLY ACTION Phone your jobber today DEATHS from AVEST SPKLNG IELD MONSON Tobin i W1 (and leading drug stores Me held Con the of the finance commit appropriation' for tlje Columbus day Is not lie was able which put out an' hour later that he He ap the city not im foi at will municipal action be reconsidered information greetings with him and congratulate him on his work in the city since his arrival JONES THINKS PROJECT WOULD PROVE ITTING MOXIELAND BOSTON MASS the at at in Wallace Inc Meekins Packard A Wheat Inc The Ilrtghnm Co At Harry and writer plorations in Africa and wrote exten sively about his travels Was honor ary member of New York Zoological society A An and RESH AIR CHILDREN QUOTA OVERSUBSCRIBED payer particular petition but to the mass of petitions which come to London July 31 (AD Sir Johnston 69 noted explorer Spent much time in ex AIRPORT CONCLAVE AT BOSTON TODAY IMPORTANT EVENT Green at Salters from the city itch talking a flying field but has nothing to ramingham has a MAN AND BOY DROWN SEEKING ISHPOLE CHICOPEE GIRL OUND INTOXICATED IN WOODS GRISE uneral Home IIMIPSINLS fOK AI OCCASIOXS 2X0 ftp rlnglicld bt Tel Chicopee 1312 to Springfield's war dead Some favor of this proposal while It was announced riday that Dr Schurman had been awarded the hon orary degree of doctor of philosophy by the University of Heidelberg in recognition of his services in promot ing friendly relations between the peoples of the United States and Ger many sustained Walczak cuspidor the bed Officers Morrtson Hia of yesterday is by the campers his head against a was standing beside were notified and Garvey and rank PREACHER PLEADS OR PREPAREDNESS the company glasses and a gain "The men will be keeping a liquor nui liquor with intent to in possession of a gara nmong her numerous pupils priest Men and women church to attend the reserved for them and of the elderly priest Unobserved lives Estrada was forced to march to the cemetery behind the coffin of the po liceman whom he had killed As lie stood by the grave of his vicitim Es trada was riddled with bullets fired' by comrades of the dead officer Es trada was buried immediately after being shot The shooting caused a sensation at Vera Cruz and the au thorities immediately started an in vestigation GEN HAYES PPOSES AIRPORT WAR MEMORIAL Chairman of Commission Awaiting Attitude of Vet erans to Crystalizc Ques tions Location that the memorial would be Holyoke July 31 The hnancial Writing Paper company inc which operates 15 mills in this district made public today shows net earnings from its reorganization on March 1 to June 30 of $12563184 after payment of bond and note interest amounting to $12333333 for the same four months is unprepared are human guests who your life's door in need of necessary substance than The power of un influence we shall never Discouraged disheart RUSSLL HOME I) 13 State St Orchard Peace After Awake by ARMY DIRIGIBLE AILS TO STOP AT BUALO Michael Ziemba and Blanc Aowal ski of 49 Parker street Chicopee were arrested in a raid Saturday ami held for district court Monday Sergt William Linehan and Officer William Paterson conducted the raid at the Parker street establishment and con fiscated a pint of liquor a quart but tle tvvo whisky bling machine charged with apce keeping sell and being bling machine ASSOCIATE RECTOR RETURNS WITH BRIDE church ormer Commander 104th Questions Propriety of Move 1 LOCAL TEACHER ILL NEARLY YEAR DIES AT BOSTON Dazed Condition Required Medical Attention To Appear in Court Today Suffield July 31 The first woman locked up in many years for drunkenness was made early Sunday morning when Deputy Sheriff George Greer found Mildred Strepsek 21 of Chicopee Mass in a bad condition in the woods outside of Babb's grove at the 'west end of the town Her condition was such as to require med ical attention in the town lockup by Dr William Caldwell The services of iwo young women were required to care for her all night The only information obtained was that she had purchased liquor early Saturday night and after drinking did not remember anything Cash bail of $50 was posted later in the day by her relatives for her appearance in town Court here Monday to a charge or drunkenness and breach of peace City' Put Under Martial Law as Communist Uprising eared Hankow China July 31 (AP) Martial law has been declared after a riot of thousands of rickshaw coolies who invaded the Chinese Chamber of Commerce when the latter stopped its donations The coolies partly wrecked the building and tried to dis arm the gendarmerie which was forced to fire our of the rUiters were killed and many injured Seven thousand coolies went on strike and a Communist uprising is feared Col Slate Sees No' Need of An other Color Bearer at This Time The suggestion that Sergt Walter Ward a member of the 101th regi ment company be promoted to staff sergeant and color bearer of the 104th regiment probably' will not be acted on immediately by Col Edmund Slate the newly appointed regimental commander This statement was made by Col Slate yesterday in answer to the question as to whether or not Sergt Ward would receive the op pointment The regiment already has two color bearers said the colonel and as their terms of service do not run ouf for some time time there is no necessity of appointing another man for the post Good Start Here Springfield while it cannot yet boast a municipal field has two com mercial companies in operation and thaj is a better start than most of these other cities have There is lit tle question that the hearing will clear up many points now quite un settled and interest in the conference is at high pitch among local enthu siasts both professional and nonpro fessional This interest was raised during the week by consideration the pro posal to make the local airport a me morial are in others are opposed the chief difficulty pein: outside the city This is a hurdle that can hardly be taken with ease and the committee in charge of disbursing the gratuity fund has acted wisely in biding its time untilthe wishes of the majority are better known Meetings of the Veterans of oreign Wars and the American Le gion this week will help clarify the situation We are pleased to inform you that ther is a MOXIE Deal on for a few days The MOXIE Co has issued to your MOXIE jobber a Certificate of Authority which per mits him to give you the benefit of this deal Bursts of song suddenly 'broke the deep silence pervading the vicinity of reservoir in West Springfield early yesterday' morning and they were not 1he chirpings of birds greet ing the dawn of day according to the police The cheerful notes for they were said to unmistakably resound with good cheer and loud cat calls emanated from the throats of neither furred nor feathered creaturees Six youths it was reported were saluting Nature and the night with a veritable serenade that did not meet the ap proval of otherwise disinterested parties within earshot The police were introduced to the group by the neighbors who had been unable to sleep while the nocturnal ceremony was in piocess It was the Paul avreau Mrs Henrietta Steb bins both of this city Mrs Agnes Southerland of Lynn' and Mrs Abail Rogers' of Los Angeles and two sis ters Mi'S Lime oster and Mont gomery Vt and Mrs Annette Thelts of this city She leaves 13 grand children 21 great grandchildren and one great great grandchild The fu take place at Wednesday af will be in Sweeps North Duxbury Boston July 31 (AP) A severe windstorm the same one or similar to 'that which caused heavy damage in Rehoboth was reported here to have swept North Duxbury on the South shore nine miles north of Plymouth The telephone operator at Marshfield reported that numerous wires were down and that damage presumably was heavy the But he could for altering the com celebration WILL CONSIDER TAKING STREETS 8 Styles Each in 8 Popular Colors Sold in this District by ENGLISH CLUB MEETS AT BOSTON THURSDAY yesterday Congregational The entire services were with the "Worship Stuart led the responsive reading The anthem Lord is My was followed by a scripture reading The offertory was a violin selection by Miss Betty Myer Miss Gertrude Johnson so prana sang a solo Prayer followed "Blessed arc the Pure in with response by trio After the Congregational hymn Would Be True" came the candle lighting ceremony The Girl Scout hymn closed the services The girls have a special service frequently out doors at the camp every Sunday The program as that usually arranged themselves A committee of selors was in charge of the services at the church Miss Mary House chairman was assisted by Miss Mary Moore Miss Dickey and Miss Thersey Gargan The girls in the chorus in cluded Miss Betty Cudworth Miss Gladys Manley Miss Gertrude Jaeger Miss Marion Ptevens JVJiss Rosamond Cole Miss Dorcas Mather Miss Dickey Miss Gertrude Johnson and Miss Janes Carey The chorus par ticipated also in the candle lighting ceremony with Miss Gargan Miss Stuart and Miss Vera Johnson Pastor of Carew Street Bap tist Church Denies Needed rulpist press and universities in the past aids to faith and perveyors of Rev Dr Bennet declared in his sermon 18 MEXICAN POLICE CHARGED WITH KILLING Vera Cruz Mex July (AP) A police inspector two captains and 15 policemen have been ordered held for trial on charges of being impli cated in the killing on July 22 of Luis Estrada who had slain a policeman while resisting arrest SCOUTSCONDUCT CHURCH SERVICES Upper tenement 5 rooms to rent 16 Charles street Chicopee alls Tel 2 6So Miss Mary Began Teaching Here in 1 887 and Had Served as Principal Since 1 909 Miss Mary Elizabeth O'Neill for nearly half a century a teacher in the local schobls and since 1909 principal of the Jefferson avenue school died yesterday at the Teter Bent Brigham hnsiftal at Boston Her death came as a great shock to her many friends in this city for although Miss has been out of school fpr about a year on leave of absence she was expected to resume her duties next month Miss O'Neill though a woman of quiet tastes had a far reaching influ ence Born in this city the daughter of the late John O'Neill lack of any immediate prospect of cessation that precipitated the call to headquarters and the officers' arrival The policemen understood the situa tion taking the youths seriously and to the police station The party final ly disbanded at the headquarters after a little bail had been deposited against their reunion at court today to answer a charge that they were disturbing the peace The party included George Kelliher 32 of 14 Western avenue Westfield Wallace Murphy 21 of 985 Main street Agawam and Kenneth Streeter 21 of 63 Warren avenue Joseph Murphy 32 of 137 Park avenueNAn drew Talbert 21 of 98 airview ave nue and Howard Dofvling 20 of 80 Garden street all of West Spring field Rev Vernon Losee Preach es on Service at Christ Episcopal Church Rev Vernon Losee associate rec tor of Christ Episcopal church re turned with his bride to this city Sat urday after a wedding trip He con ducted the services at Christ chuich yesterday He based his sermon on the story of Jtsus washing the feet of his disciples and on words who would be great among you must be the servant of all" It was the ambition of the disciples and their desire for greatness Mr Losee said that led Jesus to do as he did By that act of humility Jesus showed that humility and service should be used in dealing with am bition Mr Losee continued not a bad thing' Jesus picked the most ambitious men of his time Mis spent ambition is bad The secret of Christian greatness is to be the serv ant of all There is no need in this ageto talk of the advantages of service hut we cannot stress too much the fact that service should not he limit ed to partisanship or cliques We should serve all "Be ambitious in a good way Let It be an inclusive ambition placing gen eral welfare above personal interests A cheap ambition is easy of accom plishment A great ambition is diffi cult to accomplish but it is the only one worth The movement to have the memo rial to Springfield's war veterans take the form of a municipal struck' a snag yesterday when Maj Gen William Hayes former com mander of tho 104th regiment strong ly questioned both the propriety of such a memorial and the prevalence of veterans sentiment in favor of it "An airport is not a suitable memo rial as it is rightly a municipal proj ect concerning all the people of the city and having no particular connec tion with the men to whom the me morial is to be reared" Gen Hayes declared "Thon there Is the addi tional consideration that the various veterans organizations of the city ap pointed a special group some time ago to decide the form which this memo rial should take" committee brought back the report to the general council of which I was chairman that a building to house all the organizations would bo the best memorial" the gen eral pointed out "and the funds re turned by the state were let lie dnr mant xvith this In mind Such a build ing would he in my opinion the most' desirable memorial to the vet erans' of all our wars and I hoe that the present agitation for an air port 'will not cause people to forget that 'the veterans have already ex pressed a preference for this Thinks It lit Memorial Gen Hayes made it Clear does not oppose an airport predates the importance of having an airport hut he is pressed with the idea of combining Springfield's memorial to her veterans with this airport project rederick Jones president of the Third National bank ajd chairman of the war memorial commission does not gree with Gen Hayes with re spect to the fitness of a memorial air port1' believe that it could be a suitable memorial provided that itwere pre eminently a memorial and not a commercial Mr Jones said last night "This was a city government proposition original ly and I see no reason why the city should not consider this a fit memo rial We have been somewhat mis represented however It has been made to appear as if our committee could go ahead and vote an airport almost immediately but we will have to find out more about public senti ment before we can do that With Gen Hayes and the head of the Amer ican Legion in this city disagreeing you can see the difficulty of pleasing only attitude now Is listening' Mr Jones explained Is onl yone thing about the airport that I would call attention to In looking at tho chart of air lines in The Union Republican this morning I wondered it Springfield is a natural stopping place on these lines If we aren't in the running I wonder if our building an airport would make any difference That is something peo ple interested in tho airport should look into I think" tor sale eight weeks old John 1 Elm StrAdvertlsem*nt Mrs Mrs Elizabeth Garvey 34 wife of Patrolman William Garvey died this morning at 930 at Mercy hospital after a short illness Besides her hus band she leaves a daughter Mary Grace and a son William Jr two brothers John isher of West Hawley and isher of Cummington and two sister Misses Ruth and Lula isher both of Chicopee alls The funeral jwill be held at the home of Mr and Mrs II Garvey 31 Middle sex street Tuesday morning at 3 fol lowed by requiem high mass at the Holy amily church Burial will be in St Michael's cemetery Mrs Sarah Jane Goff Mrs Sarah Jane Goff 85 died yes terday afternoon at the home of her daughter Mrs Henrietta Stebbins 95 Laurence street She had lived in this city tor 50 years and was a member nt the Advent church State street Mrs Goff leaves tour daughters Mrs Dose Not Stop at Detroit Detroit July 31 (AP) Officials at the ord airport Dearborn Mich were of the opinion tonight that the army dirigible RS 1 last reported passing over lima at 130 this afternoon was headed for St Louis A crew of men called to the airport this afternoon to assist in tying up the ship' at the mooring post were dismissed upon receipt of a telegram advising officials that the dirigible planed to moor at Dayton Late ad vices from Dayton reported no infor mation from the army diriigible and Bridget Harrahill O'Neill she received her education here and made her home here all her life In 1887 she became a teacher in the elementary schools of this city and was connected with the local school system ever since Since the death of her mother No vember 20 1910 Miss O'Neill has lived alone first at 46 Linden street the family home for many years and since 1912 at the Oaks hotel on Thompson street A nephew rank who lived with the O'Neills died sev eral weeks before Miss O'Neill Miss brother Dr John local dentist had died earlier that year and her father's death occurred in 1892 Miss O'Neill was a teacher at the Emery street school until 1900 when she was transferred to the Hook er school In 1903 she became principal of the Alden street school and in 1906 of the Eastern avenue school She held this position until 1909 when she became principal of the Jefferson a venue school The funeral will be held at the home of her cousin Mrs At Healy of 635 State street the time to be announced later Second Boy Rescues irst to No Avail in Connecticut Pond Terryville Ct July 31 (AP) A 12 year old boy achieved a heroic but futile rescue and a man and a boy were drowned here today because somebody lost a fishpole overboard at Old Marsh a pond near here Eugene Laskowski 40 jumped in to rescue he fish pole lost from another boat Responding to his cries that he was drowning Otto Killian 14 went in after him and he too called for help Alfonso Pisarski 12 leaped' into the pond and dragged Killian to tho shore then went for aid When ho returned with neighbors Killian was missing ive hours' grappling brought the bodies of Killian and Laskowski to the surface THE TJQYfE COMPANY Archer questions ways asked tions of the serious and today "We are times are so far advanced that the oldgospel has become obsolete the 'new preacher and the new gospel are needed' that scholarship has decided we can no longer rely upon many of the statements and doctrines of the Bible because much of it is either fic tion or tradition here we make bold to young people the old gospel We are not ashamed of its record or 20 cen turies the sorrowing sons of toil have found comfort in it It has enabled the bereaved to see hope through their tears And more than that It has presented a savior to the world And the future is full of hope When men have tried the new gospel the gospel without a Christ and without a cross they will once agayi turn to the Christ of Bethlehem the cross They will find in him the supply for all needs of their Marburg Unhersity Confers Honorary Ph I) Degree Marburg Ger July 31 (AP) An honorary degree of doctor of philoso phy was conferred today upon Jacob Gould Schurman American embassa dor to Germany on the occasion of the fourth centenary of Marburg univers ity The degree was awarded for the work Dr Schurman has done as between German and Amer ican Dr Johannes Beckdr Prussian min ister of education paid a tribute to Dr Schurman as "one whose con spicuous appreciation of German cul ture has won the sympathy of all sup porters of German American friend Sullivan Hoar plumbing and hratirg jobbing a specialty Call 5 909G or 3 Many Local Teachers to Hear Prominent Speakers at Conference Many local teachers of English will attend the annual midsummer meet ing of the New England association of Teachers of English at Boston Thursday The meeting will open in the afternoon at 4 at the lecture hall of the New ogg art museum The subject for discussion will be Influence of the Radio on English The following will givq brief talks from the platform before the com ments will be asked from the floor Arthur Edes program director of State WEEl Miss Evelyn Rix Central grammar school Ridgewood John Merrill rancis Par ker school Chicago and Rev' Edward Sullivan rector of Trinity school Newton Center Mr Merrill's pupils will present Edna Vincent Millay's da a one act play Rev rank agerburg Urges Spiritual Readiness for Unexpected Demands in Hope Church Sermon Spiritual preparedness "in the com monplace days for the crisis hours which are bound to wap preached by Rev rank agerbiu pastor of irst Baptist church at the union service of the Hill churches at Hope Congregational church yester day morning Mr agerburg built his sermon on Jesus's parable of the man who was suddenly called upon at mid night to exercise his hospitality and found to his great embarrassment that he had nothing in his house to east far worse than Mr a gerbnrg said the spirit state of a man who is suddenly faced by ah unexpected demand opportunity or crisis ana knock at far more bread and butter conscious know entirely ened lives are looking to you for the sunshine of optimism and courage You may never known but how do they hnd vou' may be looking to you for an in terpretation of Christianity for in spite of all our logic men are won to religion first of all by life Wil they find you prepared with a con sistent Christian character and dis position? unexpected 'guest is the looked for opportunity for service The church Sunday school and needy world are ever in search of men and women who can contribute leadership and labor And always many are ready with the easy excuse 'I do not know God's kingdom can never come merely through the efforts of Christian Board of Aidermen Expected to Accept Most of ormer Property of Dwight Manu facturing Company The Chicopee board of aidermen at the regular monthly meeting tonight will consider the taking over of streets until recently owned by the Dwight Manufacturing company and property of the Walnut Realty com pany in the neighborhood of Sand hill In the opinion of Michael I Wat son president of the board the city fathers will vote to accept the streets with the possible exception of the road up Snnd hill which unlike the rest will require a large expenditure to make it fit for travel Another matter which may cause discussion among the members of the board is the question of a permit for a gas station on Center street just below Exchange street A petition was refused at that point two years ago because of the fear that the sta tion would block traffic Several mem bers of the board it is understood are planning to favor the permit Committee Theconference to ba held this morn ing at the State House in Boston be tween executives of a score of Massa chusetts cities and the interim legis lative aviation commission on the sub ject of state aid for municipalities wishing to establish airports bids fair to assume more than ordinary local importance because of the presence of both Mayor ordis Parker and Maj rederick Hillman It is expected that the subject of municipally owned airports will be gone over in detail and that the suggestions to be given by the out of town officials who will be present will throw some new light on the subject Most important of all yvill be the discussion over changing the law so as to allow cities to buy land outside their boundaries without recourse to an enabling act This particularly ap plies been diate The John Walczak Noe and ore head on Cuspidor John Walczak of 170 Sharon street Was taken to Mercy early yesterday morning with a severe cut on his nose and rorenead when he fell out of bed struck which Police James took the man to the hospital condition is reported as not serious GLEASON UNERAL HOME 2705 MAIN STREET Phone 2 6 11 1 Many amilies Ask to Enter tain New York Koungstersv Girls Preferred Thompsonville July 31 The gen eral committee in charge of arranging for the placing of this community's quota of the New York fresh air chil dren among families in the village will meet in the library building to morrow night at 8 to hear the reports of the various sub committees Chairman rederick urey an nounced that between 30 and 35 chil dren had already applied for by dif ferent families interested and al though the quota assigned for Thompsonville was placed at there is assurance that at least double that number will be applied for before the 10 the time limit in which applica tions for the children will be received The children will arrive in this vil lage the 17th and will be cared for by the local committee afterwards being taken to the families to whom they are assigned The children as signed to Suffield Somers and Haz ardville families will detrain at the passenger depot in this village and will be taken in charge by the com mittees from these places Bonnie Braev Campers Ar range Interesting Program at Otis Speak Miss Eleanor Dickey and Miss Vera Johnson both of this city were speakers the Otis charge of the Girl Scouts from Bonnie Brae the local council camp at East Otis The program included an im pressive candlelight ceremony other special features The services opened gregational hymn Miss rances Mayor Parker and Maj Hill man to Attend Meeting not at Carew street Baptist church yester day morning of Dr Ben nett said not wonder that our splendid cultured and educated young people are bewildered and are asking questions But young people have al questions and the ques past were just as earnest intelligent as those asked Resolutions ail to Shake i nance Decision Taxpayers irst Consid eration The attitude tee toward an celebration of likely to be changed materially by the resolution drawn up by the Columbus day association to be sent to the mayor committee members declared last night No reason is seen for re considering the previous action of the finance committee despite the evident Indignation of the petitioners Aiderman Edward Ruxton said that if the association presented any new information on the nature or scope of the proposed celebration to show that it would be general and would warrant petition might lacking such see no reason belief that the would not 'warrant an expenditure by the city Councilman Chester Allen was loath to commit himself on the subject of his probable if the matter comes up again in the finance com mittee sessions In fact he asserted that it was scarcely fair to lure mem bers into committing themselves be fore meetings would like to give all Of these associations a fair consideration but there Is another angle to be thought Mr Allen said "There are a great many petitions which we would like to grant but which we have to turn down out of consideration for the tax 1 am not referring now to this great us" Undertaken Personal Service rank Winslow Warren Underwood Charles Roadstrand GRAHAM Corpr Howaan st 3 5175 neral services will Bryon's funeral home ternonn at 2 Burial Grove cemetery The funeral of Mrs Grath of 2809 Main street will be at Gleason's funeral home 2705 Main street tomorrow morning at 815 lowed by requiem high mass Sacred Heart church at 9j Burial be In Calvary cemetery Chicopee Tho funeral of Mrs Catherine I Laird wife of Alexander Laird of 101 Everett street was held at the home Saturday afternoon at 2 Rev RV Bennett officiating Burial was in Elmwood cemetery Holyoke The funeral of Mrs Leanna TV Garrett of 40 Morris street wall be held tomorrow afternoon at Bryon's funeral home at 115 with services at St John's church nt 2 Burial will be in Springfield cemetery The funeral of Gordon Emerson Werder eight drowned in Congamond lake Saturday night will be held at Byron's funeral home Tuesday after noon at 2 Rev Thomas Tyrie of ficiating Burial will be in Woodlawn cemetery Suffield (Ct) Besides his parents he leaves one sister Mar guerite He was a pupil at the Tap ley school and attended Wesley church here for the enabling act has the chief obstacle to the imme beginning of an airport here need of an airport has been stressed time and time again and Mayor Parker was won over finally by the dramatic appearance here of Charles A Lindbergh less than two weeks ago' Many Titles Represented It is expected that besides the of ficial representation there may also be other local aviation enthusiasts present The hearing will be held in room 450 at the State House at 10 30 Among the other cities to be repre sented are itchburg Lowell ram ingham all River North Adams Lawrence New Bedford Attleboro Holyoke and Haverhill Some of these cities are ahead of Springfield in avia tion because they have not been up against the question of an enabling act Last week Gen Butler Ames of Lowell gave 100 acres toward an air port and work on its development will begin this week This field however will in no sense be a municipal field at least not for the present It is to be situated oi the land of the Warne sit Manufacturing company of which he is president and may be used by either civilian or service flyers It has been inspected and approved by army men and more recently by Lieut Al bert Hegenberger transpacific flyer who visited Lowell on Thursday New Bedford is to have one of the best airfields in Massachusetts but again it is not to be municipally owned It is that which is being built by Col Edward Point not far burg has been for some time speak of as yet real field used a great deal during the war by army flyers and since then by several commercial companies in turn It is not municipally owned however nor has it facilities for night flying our Stacks Added 1o Richard Salter Storrs Library The work on remodeling the Rich ard Salter Storrs library is finished and books will soon be ready for dis tribution our new book stacks were added The books added for the month are: iction "Under the Dave Coolidge Green letcher Woman in A Vachell: Ben Ames Williams Mary Rinshart nonfiction Glori ous Richard Halliburton Daily Exercise" Dr Wilkes of the Grant Ox erton 'rance and dre Tardieu Yesterday Today" Williams RICKSHAW COOLIES RIOT AT HANKOW PRIEST SINGS IRST SOLEMN HIGH MASS Rev Seraph Stachowicz son of Mr apd Mrs Stanislaus Stachowicz of 185 Hyde avenue Chicopee yesterday morning at 1030 sand his first sol emn high mass at St Stanislaus church During the afternoon many friends of the young priest attended an informal reception at the church ather Stachowicz studied first at the ranciscan college at Athol transferring some time later to the college of the same order at Detroit He completed his studies at rancis can college at Rome where he was or dained June 10 At New York Kwegyir Aggrey 53 Negro vice principal of Prince' of Wales college at Achimota Gold Coast Africa Member of two Phelps Stokes educational commissions to Africa Will Manage Hofei Swampscott July 31 Clement Kennedy president and general man ager of the New Ocean hopse at Swampscott has been appointed man aging director of the Vinoy Park ho tel at St Petersburg la As one of the youngest hotel managers in the country Mr Kennedy now combines with his summer connection Swampscott tho operation of this 000000 hotel Hill Union Scrfvlecs The union service of the Hill churches Hope Congrega tlonal Wes ley Methodist Episcopal and irst Baptist will be held at irst Baptist church at State and Stebbins streets the 14th 21st and 28th Rev George A Martin of Wesley church will preach The regular meeting of Dominican auxiliary schedu'ed for tonight has been postponed owing toJhe large number of members who'are out of the city Dr and Mrs 167 Maple street have returned their vacation RS 1 Continues to Detroit Disappointipg Thousands Expecting Landing Buffalo July Thousands of persons at the municipal port here today were disappointed when they learned that the army semirigid dirigible RS 1 had passed over the city early today without stopping It arrived over the airport shortly after 1 a eastern daylight time and continued its flight to De troit at 8 a the weather being too bad to permit its landing RUTHERORD HAYES DIES IN LORIDA Tampa la July 31 (AP) Ruth erford Platt Hayes son of the late President Rutherford Hayes died at a hospital here today He had been in declining health for over a year but his condition was not regarded as seri ous until a few days ago when he was brought to a hospital here from home at Clearwater Pair Charged With Priinken Tlrivlng And Drnnkenne' rancis Whalen 27 of 4 5 air view street West Springfield and Robert Chapman 32 of Akron were arrested early yesterday morn ing at the corner of Main and rank lin streets by Officers Louis Evans and Dennis Costigan Whalen was charged with being drunk and operat ing a motor vehicle while drunk Chapman was charged with drunken ness PAPER COMPANY NET EARNINGS $125634 first statement of the American ATHER BONNEVILLE PRIEST 40 YEARS Rev rederick Bonneville of the Church of the Assumption Chicopee yesterday at 10 celebrated a special high mass as an anniversary of his 40 years as a groped in the mass in seats many friends came to do him honor Last night at 8 ather Bonneville held an informal reception at the residence on Springfield street where his parishioners went to exchange Drink CANADIAN SHOT BY OICERS Chatham Ont July 31 (AP) Harold Holmes of Toronto is in the public general hospital here suffering from a bullet wound which he said was inflicted when he was fired upon by United States officers late Satur day night near aun island in the St Clair river His condition Is serious According to Holmes he and an other man were west of aun island in a small motor launch when United States officers opened fire Six Young Men Charged WithJDisturbing Complaint from Citizens Kept Serenade DIET) KLSENTRAGER At Holyoke 30th Lillian A Kelsentrager uneral at the parent home 21 Brown avenue Monday at 10 a in Rev Steup officiating Burial In orestdale cemetery In thia city 27th ult Mrs Leanna Garrett 81 widow of Wiliam HGarrett of 40 Morris street uneral from funeral home 684 State street Monday at 115pm Services In St church at 2 pm Burial In Springfield cemetery GO In this city 31st ult Mrs Sarah Jana Goff 85 of 95 Lawrence afreet nral services from funeral home 684 State street Wednesday at 2 Burial In Gak Grnve cemetery Tn this city 30th Martha vin? of Patrick McGrath of 2809 Maintrnet uneral In the Gleason funeral home 2705 Ajaln street Tuesday nt 815 a Requiem high mass In Snr red Heart church at 9 a riends Invited At Holyoke '10th Mrs Rulh A Strong uneral at the late home North Main afreet alls Woods South Hadley ills Monday afternoon it 230 Rev Cronmillr'r officiating Burial in or eitdale cemetery At East Longmeadow 29th Her man Tower 62 uneral at the home 38 Elm Street Monday at 230 Burial in Warhgtie cemetery WERDER At Southwick Mass Gordon Emerson Werder eight son of Jessie Werder of 135 Ingersoll Grove this city uneral In Byron's funeral home 684 State atreefj Tuesday 2 Burial In Wood lawn cemetery Suffleld Ct SPRINGIELD MEN HEAD STATE BARBERS Worcester July 31 Charles IV Short of Springfield was re elected president of the Massachusetts State Assrteiatinn of the Journeymen Bar bers' International union in conven tion here today Other officers elect ed were Michael Watson of Law rence first vice president Philip McKernan of Holyoke second vice president Joseph Trudeau of New Redford third vice president' Niebuhr of Springfield secretary treasurer The convention voter! to form cal BRIDGE OICIAL DIES ATER ALL Bath Me July 31 Charles Mallison of Pottstown Pa manager of erections for the McClintic Marshall company bridge builders was fatally injured today while inspecting the towers by which the draw span of a new bridge over the Kennebec river here was to have been lifted into place tomorrow Mallison whose company has been constructing the bridge superstruc ture and George Bullard resident engineer for the contractors had climbed the towers and were descend ing Bullard in the lead when Malli son slipped on the wet steel and fell 50 feet to the water to swim toward a boat from shore but died in a hospital He had been with since his graduation from Cornell in 1898 The draw span was to have been floated into position tomorrow but it was said tonight that this operation would be postponed Today's was the fifth fatal accident since work began on the bridge 11 months ago powdekpuhf You will never knowhow soft and delightful a powder puff can be until you've tried one of these Ann Pennington puffs are all velour of highest qual ity and finish They are de signed by the famous artist herself to conform with her own ideas of what a powder puff should be and do Soothing caressing wholly desirable They spread the powder evenly and com' plete that well groomed ap' pearance TWO WOMEN KILLED BY HIT RUN MOTORIST Toronto Ont July 31 Mrs Bridget Culnan 64 of New Toronto and her daughter Irene 22 'were killed early today by an automobile on the Dundas highway at Sommer ville Ont 10 miles from here An other daughter Kathleen 26 and Miss Cecilia Knaggs of Sommerville jumped clear off the car and were not injured The motorist did not stop Clifford Knaggs 56 aroused by his daughter ran across the highway to summon a doctor and was struck by another car His right leg was broken MI THE SPRINGIELDDaILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: MONDAY AUGUST 1 1927 Special Legislat gfield 4 I I I 4 I a I I 1 fl 4 Albert Steiger Co 3lcnlnn Wnkelln Co A Steiger Co I I 4 1 jp I Jr fl I Sv i 1 1.

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.