Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan (2024)

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Detroit Free Pressi

Detroit, Michigan

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nswA tr IVA NTn nr tP A1K EXPRESS RATES Bros WILL DROP SOON ft 1 a BurtlA DULLARD WOODMEN HONOR CONSUL BAKER EMALE LATHERS WANTED 261 Third door 358 ALBION COLLEGE HONORED MALE MISCELLANEOUS WHO REAL ESTATE Do pation wanted btroup TO ROOMS boy Wanted ai all around SANTAL MIDY: Se attention DRINKS ACID IN HIS BARN RAGTIME tpianoj (aught in 8u lessons book gnt free Christensen 106 Broadway the effects of It appears thi I dr! ERRAND HOK Grand River SURE SAE PER MA NENT INEX PEN SIVE TJrust Company ort auaawfe aiatn hu 1911 8 JO MEN Our illustrated catalogue explains how we teach barber trade in few weeks mailed tree Moler Barber College Chi cago Ill aame Hel BARBER wanted to run anop Rivard corner Palmer' PAINTERS and two good brush hands wanted Apply construction office North way Motor Co wife Kar Lout CLER for and tou Must experienced hooe urn BARBER Wanted first class $13 and halfner $18 pleasant shop city hours Snedecor St Taylor Tec*mseh Mich IRST CLASS all around machinist want ed Lawton ave Aek fer Mr BARBER wanted $13 half over $18: steady If suited GEORGE GRIIN Bellevue Mirh REGISTERED DRUG CLERK wanted at onee Greenwood ACQUIRE a be Independent Detroit School of Chiropractic will tell you how Cor Woodward and Warren GOOD GERMAN GIRL to assist housework 124 Commonwealth ave BOW SETTERS wanted on auto jps ex perienced Michigan Top Co 3i3 Rio peile HOUSEWORK A girl tor genera boue work 127 Melbourne WO WAITRESSES WANTEI Tlonet lea Room corner of Cam and Canfild OLD UPRIGHT PIANO in poor playing condition must ba a bargain state price Address box No ree Press ASH Colored lady wants washing atonce Rear 184 Macomb BARBER wanted at once first class bar ber 813 and half over $18 per week II ICKELL Durand TWO YOUNG LA DIES wish to do writ Ing addressing etc at home 23 Twentieth st A married man preferred ENGLISH Adrian Mich' Young man experienced salary wanted Box I No o5 ree Press BILLING MACHINE HANDS Apply MJDDLEDITCH 97 Meldrum AT Two flrst cisss die sinkers landers Manufacturing Co Pontiac Mirh A KUUKKt'EPEH ledgerkoeper co re spon cent collector chef salesman steward hotel manager stockroom clerxs drafts man stenographer Chamber of com AT Two hand and two automatic screw machine operators wanted: good shop conditions Address box No 27 RELIABLE handy single manjrxworlc around house and small fiat: wages $25 per month with room and board Box No 4 ree Press IRST CLASS thoroughly expeinced piano and furniture mover must bo sober: will pay hlgest wages Apply East End Transfer Co 701 Kerrheval A first class shoe aa lesman wanreo at once vniy experieuccG need to appy wratieK PRESSERS to operate Hoffmans machines Youngbloods Men Cleaning Co Broad way and John A A Highest prices tot ladies' gsnts cast off clothing shoes 658 Ridge 999 GOOD POSITION open to girl tor gen oral housework small family nlr room 318 A'rry ave near Warren REGISTERED PHARMACIST wanted Ap ply at 93 Woodward ave Central Drug Co PAINTERS wanted at ones two brush hands only sober men need apply 62 Maybury ave 1 a AN EXPERIENCED GROCERY CLERK wanted Apply at once A Employment Dept GIRL for general housework to go home nights Grand 23P3 CURIAINS done up cheaply snd artistic MRS CH NECK IW Butternut be twen iTnimbull and National Phone Grand 332 CARPETS furniture second hand Noble 2M Gratiot Cherry 12en A City 1303 ELEVATOR BOY wanted st curnv woul4 BARBER wanted first class $14 week: German preferred 3J7 Antoine IRST CLASS MACHINIST wanle om accustomed to electrical repair work also drill press hands Sreeker Electric Machine co 34 36 Bates SALESLADY With accurate knowledge of dry goods business must furnish refer ence permanent position Address box No 19 ree Tress A TWO AMILY TERRACE brick In good location a caress oox nv ALL AROUND AUTOMOBILE draftsman wanted Experimental department Brush Runabout co Euclid and family with break fast or full Addreax box No tm Preaa Bright energetic boy for Mjfficaj and messenger work Box 1 No ree MAGAZINE SOLICITORS wanted make from $10 to $25 per week lake "Wood ward avenue car and get nff at Kenil worth avenue Van Leuven Browne Pub Co 31 Kenilworth are GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES AV Send postal for Detroit examination schedule ranklin institute Dept 133 Rochester A GOOD steady married man to act as foreman vf coal yard must come well recommended Inquire 60 Marquette MEN and women learn the barber trade expert instruction constant pracQce toolsfree special summer terms write for particulars 16 Congress st east Dtrolt wanted on goods: steady work Michigan Co S' Wood ard ave Msln 4488 City 448 OREMAN for Job office one who knows and cutting of same a good job for the right man Address bos AUTOMOBILE TRIMMERS wanted perlenced In back banging Apply Rco Motor ar Co Lansing Mrh MEN TO LEARN barber trade and ac cept positions now waiting great scar city of barbers few weeks qualifies As special inducements complete outfit of tools given wages Saturdays Write today Moler Barber College Chicago in Al Smith Quick Lunch 213 Griswnld ort St IV cor Sixth LADY wishes housekeeping for gentieman only MRS HOWARD 5 Eighth st desires steady position Private OLSON 76 Beaubien TbMkiRA PH ER Steady employment for cnmpeirnt young lady stenographer In answering give experience Regal Gasoline Engine co Coldwater Mich May to to call her hus Ackley to break found him dead from taking rarhnlin arfirt raf whn lfvA Bridgton township eljrht miles est of this place had been a auf iferer from rheumatism for several months and together with the care of a sick horse which had caused a great loss of sleep It Is felt that he bauame suddenly insane drink ing the acid intended for the horse He was one of the foremostpolitician of the county and can didate for county drain commls Aionor during the late primary Be aides the vwldow three children no bonzersSeml Weokly Argus Galesburg Mich 7 EXPERIENCED colored girl wants work In doctors office Ridge 3286 once and Gris IRStfT ULASS butcher wanted youngman to take charge of meat department In grocery Box No 47 ree Press GIRL wants place as nurse of child 3 years old' 1003 arnsworth st WANTED TO BUY Best house in North Woodward district that $6000 rash will buy Address vox i no ree Press wanted by a small city in north part of sialc Great opening Splendid territory Even with the wonderful advance made by science In combating the diseases of mankind PILES have remained one of the meet widespread and moat serious cansea of suffering There are today In the country manv thousand nt neoDle wha tM aufferlnr untold agonies from piles and other rectal troubles vIf von are one of Ukm racarera the ttes of the invention of the NATURA AUTOMATIC MEDICATING DILATORwil! mean a new lease of life to you he use of this device means a ll has cured thousands it will cure YOU it stimulates the action of the bowels it benefits the entire nervons system and its effects upon the diseased pane are such as to meke a recurrence of the trouble 1m eslble Its small cost pots It within the roach of MARRIED MAN to work in saloon drinking man need not apply state age references and residence Address DAV IS CURRIE postofflee general delivery A GOOD MEN $176 84 A DAY Machinists lathe drilling milling punch pteas bench hands tinner sheet metal monitor handy men men to learn cook porter farm hand greenhouse carpen ters painters LE ROY BRAZES 26 ort Steady work Apply at once inley Co 214 Griswold st GORDON EEDERS Apply Printing to 10 West Larned st TOOL BOXES at special discounts Saturday May 6 10U Stand ard Trunk Co H3 Jefferson are be Griswold and Shelby streets Open until BARBER wanted wages $: and halfover $21 HUTCHINS 126 State st Marshall Mich wanted one or two unlurnlsheq rooms Call Main 6834 Hl INVENT cash in bus Iness property cither one piece nr sov rl nieces Address box No 53 DESKS tables chairs aatea showcases RE1NDKL 62 Jefferson Cherry 421 DAY uJvEMAN wanted with fireman's license Detroit Cabinet Co Hanco*ck and Rioplle st' BARBER wanted at once stead job fipRAGUE Nashville Mlcht lor general house 0 1 l'vl OREMAN experienced In tool grinding department 3oc MUTUAL 243 Gris wold A 'r A chefs second cooks frys pan wash ers porters auro repairer auto washer steward patternmaker farm hands housem*n painters CAHN room 21 214 Griswold An experienced girl wanted for gen erat housework 40 Joy st BODY STRIPERS wanted experienced first class ap ply ready for work Stude baker Corporation JI Body Works Corporal and Wa hasli Railroad SMALL GIRU About years old lor errands Apply VlntAn Co A good barber: steady work: good wages fine trade at once Phone Bell VOELKER Ionia Mich GOOD GIRL for generst housework no laundry wnrk Apply Hague phone North 1417 1 YOUNG LADY' would like position as cashier: rhone Hickory 1147 wax rEn agents Splendid territory practice Address box "No 69 D1KD 3 at residence 461 Me KtnaUy avenue John beloved husband of Delia and brother ot James anu at' nek Cogeus uneral from residence Sat urday May 6 at :30 and to Holy Re deemer church at 9 Member Of Branch DANDRU AND JMP1ES treated by Dr La Tour skin specialist 20 Mich igan ave BARTENDER wanted 1208'YYeat Jeffr son $12 guaranteed HD Michigan Phone West 838 ARCHITECTURAL DRATSMEN wont ed: onlv men experienced on reinforced concrete and building speclflcntjons EDW VRD GRAY North 3022 ANT irst claes cook German pre ferred HARMONIE corner Center and East Grand River 1 HIUHEHT PHR'ISS for household goods carpets furniture cast'Off clothing GREENBERG BRO3 668 Hastings Jlldgo 8W AAA Learn to Dance All the modern dances stay until you learn $3 Join on Tuesday or riday DANCING SCHOOL 3 3 Michigan ave GIRT or woman for general houaewor Li tn family: telephono 1734 JUtifAMuAl DRATSMAN with engi neering experience desires position Rox No 32 ree Press INSPECTOR Ranted one first class man thoroughly understands chassis assembling no other need ap ply for thia position Studebaker Cor poration fc actory No 3 Clark and West Jefferson GRAVEL ROOER and tinner wanted Candler Gehring co 963 Beaubien PAINTER WITH SOME EXPERIENCE AT ENAMELING PREERRED CALL 17 DUIELD HOtSEWORK Qlrl wntel tor houwerk: so wahln in rmlly tood Apply WoodUnd Datallers J30 tractr J60 PA: nographera IM cl rks sav of are boys 25 UNIVERSITY 3b Hodyfa bldg MAY BE ELECTED fON A BOARD iTLNOGRA PH ER Experienced desires steady position Address box i No 14 ree cress STENOGRA 1 horoughly competent able to take fast dictation transcribe notes accurately Underwood and Smith typewriters stats experience and salary desired Address box No 21 ree rrees Machine Riveting Gangs Nsw work ore Rlrsr Shipbuilding Co Quincy Mass GROCERY CLE7RK wanted must have reference 697 Ihlrd ave housework for borne In north end no laundry must be capable of taking en tire charge and furnish city rfercnces good wages Cal! at mv 8042 hirst st or 'phone Main 948 BARBER Steady Job: first class: mar ried man preferred $12 and halt over18 over money Come at once CARPENTER Albion Mich 1 INSPECTOR Man to act as chief inspector in automobile engine fac tory must be experienced and capable of formulating and perfecting a com plete inspection system state and experience Lycoming oundry Ma chine Co Williamsport enn GAfipENT ER Job work w'anred rpalr anything you have LL of and rozer blades sharpened Double Sue single edge 2oc per dox Razors be each GITRE CO 82 Stanley ave Wal nut and Oak 283 CLERICAL POSITION wanted excellent at figures and penmanship experi enced small office preferred Address box No 13 ree Press BOY of 17 or 18 with good education wanted for office work till June 1st with prospect of position becom ing permanent Address at once with numberbox No 58 ree Press DIt ESS A A TE plovinont 'snd good a STEIN 180 Elizabeth st unti'P' mi OUR 'nnnecthir rooms sb for light housekeeping near corner of Warren' snd Woodward or write WALKER cr cl Bepull 1 vi AVIATORS Practical dav and evening classes National Aviation Academy and shop Woodbridge at AT ONGE Thr4e first class wood patternmakers Ap ply superintendent of foun dry division Packard Mo tor Car Co OIALEUR Experienced driver and mechanic host of references private re H'UIVIIVU 4 1U rrosa EXPERIENCED presser on skirts an coats? steady work VS OHL IWoodward third floor ini santv fr gnrS! housework 1047 Rnosevelt ave rhone Walnut va Kib uL colored house cleaners! house snd window cleaning done well TeL 648S Res 15 Mechanic st ERR AN BOY Biome Broe 27 JV Academy and shop 17 Woodbridge et COMPETENT' MEN wanted to take care of wood working machinery a pat tern shop employing 40 to 50 men: must be expert on band saw afid planers Address box No 10 re Press GOOD COOK German preferred small family: gonrt wages no washing must show first clsss referencaSr'aji morn ings 44 Last Grand bmuevard WRITE TODAY for full information re gsrdlng our method of borne treatments go to your nearest druggist or write THE NATL KA CO Nnperlor Bldg Cleveland LOOK for general bouse ao upstairs work wages Apply U4 'i'w rooms with board fot three adults on Canadian nMr rher above Walkerville: not more than 38 from Windsor for Julv Ytugust first claas recommen dations only ftctropicd Address box No 17 ree Press EAPI RINCED VIR tr0 rerv store Apply 8 Gd: Rher POSITION by young man who is desirous of learning electrical trade Address hox No 32 ree Press BINDERY GIRLS wanted our experi enced gins uooo vinn HAMMOND CO 153 PKESbER wanted on men goods' steady work Michigan Co 306 Wood ward ave1 Main 44M City 4488 ciesng Ib factory Apply National Biscuit co EXPERIENCED mandolin violin can assers wanted Just opened 879 Eas Jefferson DETROIT BUSINESS UNIVERSITY can prepare you for a position in a business office or with the government thorough instruction in bookkeeping office practice shorthand typewriting English civil ser vice drawing higher accounting etc Ask for oOth annuel catalogue DETROIT BUSJNEbS UNIVERSITY BOY' with wheel steady po sition Detroit Drug Co 709 Woodward avo to in homework tl chlliren Rhone North 138 Seward BEU ROY with rsterenues warned once ranklin House MEN WANTED Solicitors for health and accident Insur ance wa can show you the best propo sition on market Hospital Co 100 Majestic bldg DESIGN ING draftsman wanted at once Motor truck experience and refer ence required be rapid pply 1211 Wood ward ave BARBER wanted steady $14 guar ahtecd 1705 YV eat ort st GIRL fer candy experienced references YOUNG MAN 'desires room in prlvJ EXPERIENCED PRESSER Wanted av good wsges T1ET MILO DYKING CO 207 Griswold st YV AITRLSS at buckling cafe It John St ASSEMBLERS wanted rear axle motor and final also Cleveland and National Acme automatic screw ma chine operators Apply ready for work Stude baker Corporation: actory No 3 Clark anc West Jefferson ARM HAND good milker to eist with small herd of thoroughbiec cows and general farm work eteedj work the year round with good wagei to the right man Apply ox Brothers A Company corner Hastings Milzau a At onoo a(z millinery trimmers and long season 425 Canfield oast TEN OGRA PH State age experience and salary expected Box No 45 ree i CIJ A I 1 1 ive years experience good inechnnie Addreaa box No 26 ree Press Alan and wife experienced 18 Rartincnt3 salary $aQ: inust have refer ences Inquire 503 Chamber of Com merce Phone 6412 (ANDY MAN or porter colored wanti work of rilv or country Address box No 48 VALIDITY MORIABTY JAMES ACT DOUBTUL Bullard Me Campbell Detroit Jackson Rowley JI Noble Kalamazoo IRST CLASS too! makers and engine assemblers want ed no others need applyRapid Motor Vehicle Co Pontiac Mich tngton st Windsor? Ont Whit a Ouellette SANTAL MIDY ONE first class tool black smith Briscoe Mfg Co Baltimore and Woodward atUl With anU of children 1341 HIGHEST PRICED A7D for furniture stoves carpets LAP HAM 223 Gratiot Hoth phones IRST CLASS sheet metal workers on blow pipe work Apply between 9 and 10 a Packard' Motor Cai BEST Stoves furniture car pen SHELLISH 2S0 Main RATMAN wanted: must havo had years experience at tool designing Ap ply corner of Meldrum and chan plain North J11 niiil CUM i wiw work wages $7 per Small cottage nr within 2 mlle circle must reasonable Address al once 2i Hvmy st Highest prices and gents cast off clothing Maio 6427 Wm Hastings rT'f i BARBER wanted at onco: $13 and halt 'over $20: short hours JOHN TROY ANOV 711 University Ann Arbor Mich Phone 9 White A situation by a man 85 years of age with 4 years machine shop experience to learn to run a motor truck or tn private family Bog ot riee ress A'rVRAI HOUSEWORK GIRL m11 th in Inlly 313 Llncola BARBER wanted wages $1260 Ad dress GEO TAYLOR Mayville Mch SALESMAN tor Ontario advertising line American firm Just establishing branch there: must nave highest ref erences and Invest $500 to Canadian company Addreaa box Xo65 ree EXPERIENCED ladles tailor work WOHL 244 Woodward floor Catherine May 3 aged 51 years ai her late residence Joseph Campau beloved of Wilham Dencn and mother of Clarence and Nellie Dench uneral riday 1:30 in from residence Interment at Evergreen 3 May 8 Edith beloved wife of Charles and sister of Gertrude ue tiiia Edward and David McGill neial troui 225 Brooklyn avenue Hi day at s30 and Holy flrlnlty Church Re elect Him for Third Term Bullard of Detroit In dorsed for National Board PAINTERS irst class fin ishers oir Limousine and touring can bodies also body stripers and varnish rubbers Packard Motor Ua Co POSITIONS urnished experienced stenographers snd Inexperienced stenographer and typists coached in onr freo practice department Employment Dept Royal Typewriter Go 52 Lafayette Prominent Newaygo County armer ound Dead by Wife ursnt Mieh barn at 5 aband Osborn MANGLE HELP WANTED Highest paid Apply at THE GRAND LAUNDRY Cor and Brooklyn A MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS MOTOR TRUCK ASSEMBLING (AN i'AKW CHARGE AND DEVELOP A DEPARTMENT IN A MANU ACTURING PLANT WHICH IS ABOUT TO BE INSTALLED OR THIS PURPOSE APPLI CANT MUST STATE THE LOWEST HE WOULD ACCEPT TO BEGIN WITH AND URNISH CREDENTIALS ADDRESS BOX NO v3 rrEL IRECS work mall family Nrt washinr Rest Loihrop ave Phone 139 GIRL fnr general housework unnseary Good for right per son 756 Second A EXPERT Gleason operator one capable of taking charge geared apartment Apply MR HUPP of Hupp Turner Co Lycaste and Terminal Ry ijuicia ounuiR maainv i00d laundress Haacoclc Wins Membership in Delta Sigma Rho by Oratory May AIblon col lege has Just been signally honored bing permitted to become a member' of the Delta Sigma Rho fraternity which' Is a national or ganization composed only of col ierai atidr tl 1 vfl rsl 1 1 that hfiVA made an exceptional record in ora A torv and debate The fact that AI hJon has Avon the state for the past four rears and per rent of her dbatra with other colleges was sufficient to show her ability in those lines and make her eligible to the fra ternity The only other institution dn the state which has been ad mitted to this organization' 1s the University of Michigan Nine of Al bion forensic champions were Inf dated as charter members of the? local chapter last evening GOOD GIRL familiar with cooking snd work In family of three Apply 128 Charlotte Gd LAUNDRESS wama washing and iromog to lake home Main 816 'Beau OUNG WOMAN OR GIRL honest quiet clean and thrifty if you have not those qualifications you need' not apply x10 washing good family ot four $5 per week person who cannot do the work right and who la not willing to stay a long time do not answer you will not ijd iriupiir win winirnii i ww itvpi RINCED Gt BL 0 40 BJoHu mail family Ila JetWraon Automobile driver 855 automobile a hemblera testers inspectors 80c up machinists lathe hands bench hands grinders gearcutters 80c 32kic screw ma chine mining machine hands 30c: paint ers rough stuff rubbers 80c S5c molders monitor hands 30c polishers 3Gc lathe hands drill press hands $2 25 auto washers $i5 handy men $3 day fire men $o6 oilers day 6o young tnn to learn automobile trades 175 82 ad vancement UNIVERSITY 804 Hodgess bldg A PXPEBI CD DRY COOD3 Mlejladl noSENZWEIG WMt Jelferwn Delray 1 EXPERIENCED GIRL lor Mtit anply in person 323 Stevens piace HUWAKD May 3 at her home? MO ield avenue Catherine widow of the late Wil liam Howard uneral Saturday a from residence and 8 clock al Sc joacoinra enurco 'Xfuriai private April 3U Josephine betoved ul duim i gxcmpi iDUUAer vx xxuie lick Dr Gustave Kempf Augusta Let ivc runerai weunesaay May from at John de Nep church at STENOGRAPH ER wanted experience! state ex perience and ref er cos Good position Box No 27 ree Press COMPETENT nur mal1 APP lt5 Doogall a We operators to make light Overalls and pants Will also take a few ners to learn Apply ready for work Emplojes en trance Larned Carter A Co Eighth and Abbott TWO ROOM APT Gniman wishes rent nicely fur nlshtd roomy apartment of rooms and bath must modern throughout and In good lotption offers stating priceservices Includ cd to box No 2 reo in Co WANTED to buy 2 or 2 cheap building Inta west of Oakland ave and north ofl Grand boulevard or a small house or cottage on the Installment plan lail details and price only contractor cars of 3 1) Holden Aal modern brick in North Woodward district first or second block: full particulars and lowest rash price uo agents irtcd apply Ad drM rox No 43 Tice Iress EXPERIENCED MEN WANTED TO GROOM AND CARE OR HORSES STEADY WORK AND GOOD PAT AKOLB GOTREDSON HORSE CO 13 GRATIOT MARRIAGE LICENSES David I Carroll 21 Detroit: Marie Dubvshire 1 same Guy IT lebert 24 Detroit Atelia ecausslon 23 same Kucela 80 Detroit Mary Slops 23 rank Miller 2S Detroit Agnes Smith 20 same Joseph Drzo wiwicKi potroir aiarv moj 30 Stanislaus rlejoik trolf rances orce lewska 15 John Henrekowskl 26 Detroit Pendirk 21 Szvmon Tietrsvk 23 Detroit Mary Jakobus 20 Micnaei Mjuirxn Nellie Costello 20 24 Detroit: Esther Nagy 20 same Mar tin feankup 26 Detroit: Celia Bedrava 25 same Ignatz Marita 28 Detroit: Rosalia Grrzbek 19 Ernest 11 Hunt 26 Detroit Dorothy Richardson 18 Walter Wurst 22 Detroit: Alvtne Hausen 21 same William Shipp 28 Detroit Ethel Thomas 23 Joseph Brsodleky 25 Detroit Rosa Koxlowska 19 Howard Hoff man 25 Detroit Edna Dull 18 Leonard Ludwig 22 Payne ot Rehberger IS Beniamin Tre pias zi uerron: Mary rnusiei Gutowske 26 Detroit: lenberg 24 name A UUOD RELIABLE PHYSICIAN Relieves in 24 Honrs i Catarrh of the Bladder 1 gMMWf CMmferfaftt Railroad Commisiion Now Pre' paring Schedule Under Newly Unacted Currie Law B''alCIT'kin? OSLLIGKNT young min J2' "Wk of any kind' Box 'lIXn vl CrHAn i co THE REE" TRESS BUILDING ENGINEERnd capable man open tor ensaaement as superintendent ot oon srruction or supervisor for architect on reinforced concrete atructural ateej foundations etc etc can turatah Ot ot reference as to ability and rspertenee Address box No a BIRTHS Casmalf Kemplsly 78 Thirtv xoconfl MantUwtki MiHforv John Risinger 5t4 Clinton John Ka walek 119 Iceland Disney Dalr 14 Adams Rov itness I25f7 Helen Barnett Bernstein 644 St John Wdowlak 95 McGregor Erjtvnrd Brum Hendricks Edward Guerne 17 Arndt Mock 432 Monroe Ernt Edwards 394 Greenwood rancis Dobbins 478 Moran David Gosselin 917 East Larned John Miller 14 atreet Goth Harrv Kulkin 834 East High WJ lRIj'VI WdllMHJ DEATHS Nellie Strackbein 1ST ischer XV years Bright Ida Keppen Sprinpvflls 27 years Emil Zech 71 Burdeno 45 years stenosis of the Evelyn Miller 198 Rathbone months? pneu Elizabeth Nelson ort west 6" yearn Intestinal rank Gnbrlei 3o Pittsburg 76 years Max Dally 1267 Monroe 15 Joseph Central 74 years in teslnal Henry Rush 38 Reiss man 32 years 'lorence Rel sir Children hospital 2 rears tubereu Elmer Kitster 1M0 Centra! 3 year Hliam Perfect 22 Beeoh street 87 years po sonlng Jowoph Czczafn Tuberculosis hospital year tuberculosis Constant Ramout 71S plie vue 34 years asphyxiation red Elsner Tud Eighieenth years sen Hi RheMen Van Arnold ho phal 82 rears Elehard De Rado 1017 ourth 26 years gunshot wound In head Tawrenon Moyer Harper hoslptat rears Mary Rowe 295 Cass 52 years inquest Ele 'in ore kGnaster 4M Leland 8 months Infan tile Eleanors Wisniewski mW Dubois 4 months Enlcw Rice Toledo 33 years Emm Berghoff 921 Seventeenth 26 ''ars sa Robert Schmidt RM Thlrtv flrst 26 years Catherine Dnch 1217 Jos Campau 61 rears valvular disease of Starr A Parsons 32 Merrick 67 years Emilio Meon 429 Watson tnonuia nwauMwoa ENOGR A PH Experienced In auto mobile and machinery work down town give references Address box XNo 65 ree Press TvrrRiVcEO GIRL 0' housework nona but wj rotoroncaa nd applt radilla' COOK WAM summer hoteh musl tv References ust Ml HR 211 bl Be Detroit ree Press At Hates tbs Popular Medium for Liner Advertising 1V1 costs per word with cash x0 cento a luao if charged No Ad accepted leas tnon two lines or cents The above rates apply to al eiaszt fleationa except Births uards ot Tbanka Obituaries cnurch AnxMuncemenU Meet ing Notices end ail Ads preceding Male Help tor which tho xato two cento a word if prepaid 13 cento a lino if charged PerMnalc Medical clairvoyants Lvsnx on erMnal Property ana Employmeat two cents per word No Ad accepted in tnese lost ciSMiacaUoao leu than 25 cents All mistakes in Ada telo pDoned be at tho risk If box number is desired count seven words ad UiUonaL Advertisem*nts have to be mailed to the advertiser send is cents fur postage Air Druggists' Our Agents or the convenience of our eui of towa patrons ws bavo ostabiishod agencies la the following list ot iona where orders will accented at the rates ot tho paper tfmith nows stand Ann Harvey Mtoffiet Uo tf Wash mgtun st Hattie William Sturmaa JBay Bristol Mo North Birney st Auorey Nye 3u3 Beach st Drake Lrcs news stood Lhas butler Oakland bldg ML City Drug Nows 24 ft Macomb sl Owosao 'A Raymond 1M Stewart st west Van Wagoner 9 Turk bldg ort Huron Mills 9u7 blxth sL Kmendorfer ivifr Wash 57777 iri Printing Co 43 hUle btta 33 MhIa name Charles Nanv Held for Trial fnr Wreeklng Auto Ann Arbor Mich Oliver Grovesnor the senior engineer from Detroit who took TV $8000 limousine for a Joy ride about throe woeka ago and wrckod thn car came before Jusiie this morninjr and was hound over to the circuit court when he waived examination He was released on $500 ball The case has been de layed while waiting for the young father Attorney Grovesnor to settle for the American Lady Corset Company May 3 at his rtsldencs 19 Elmwood avenue John beloved husband ot Kute Alccarty and father of JohnAV Illium Arthur rank and Richard Mc Larty Mrs Garner and Mrs Mabel McDonald age 73 years iuneral feaiur day May 6 trotn above residence at 830 and Our Lady of Help church at 9 a May 2 1911 Barbara beloved moth er of Mrs Hulda Schneider red and frank Rupp and sister of Miss Mary Liiai aged 0 years uneral from resi dence i Mu Elliott ave Saturday at 3 in and at at John church cor Chestnut and Russell sus Burial at Elmwood cementery SMITH Suddenly 'May 1911 Chailes backrider brnith aged 23 years tudest son of rederick and Nanette back rider smith uneral services from bouse 856 second av eiue Thursday at i in At Bi Louis Mo Effie wife of Michael Trautz Str vices Ihursday 2 Di at Geist Bros parlors 3 Ma comb st Rentains win be taken to nne 1'igron Mien xor Duriai At hl reilrfenc Brewster st May 2 Charles beloved husband of Elizabeth and father ot Rva Louise and Arlnur Wiederhold uneral from residence Saturday at 8 a and 330 In Sacred Heart church Member of Branch No 3 A CURE for PILES and Consti' 1 Positively highest prices paid OR CAST aoiffliw SAM PLACE 57 BRUSH Bell phone Cherry 831 b'st Topooltlon can offer Somethin "efrt and blg pS? Tfor PoN'cuIara River 9 w'nnvy Illinois COMPC 1 PM leirt I ror xenajal touee work German prcfrrM ave west rirand 25I4 BOARD AND ROOMS IRST CLASS BOARD and room in pri vate family North end preferred Glasgow Thinks Jlat 25 Cent i Bate Provision Would Wot Stand Court JestA rom a Staff Correspondent Lansing Mich May Two bllle regulating express rates were passed by the legislature Ona known aa the Currie bill estab lishes a schedule on a mileage ba sis and was given ImmedlAts effect The other the Moriarty James bill fixes a batlc rate of 25 cents for merchandise packages weighing UP to ten pounce and not exceeding to in value and was not given im mediate effect signing the Morlarty Jsmes bill the governor sent a writ ten request tu Railroad Commis sioner Glasgow asking tor his upmion of tne measure and the commissioner answered suggesting that it would be doubtful if the couits would uphold the 25 cent as reasonable to and from ail points in Michigan for the reason that packages nave to be transfer ied in many Instances He also vailed attention to the fact that the vummtssion 1s now working out a schedule ot rates for all classes ot goods based on tho Currie hill which contains a provision to the effect that where a package has to bo transferred cn route from one company to another tho charge shall not bo more than SO per cent of the basic rate Gov usborn did not like tho com mlnewinAfji nltlturi and A Aid that his letter reminded him of an at loriiey brief far tho express com panies However he made the re mark privately and was surprised HO learn that it had become public The railroad commission helped prepare the Currie bill but was as to the Moriarty James bill Thera is thia about the Moriarty James measure which the railroad commissioners 'do not know The final draft was prepared after numerous conferences be tween the introdueers and Attor ney John Carlon of lint rep resenting 'the express companies who agreed to Its passage and there is nothing to show that he vas not acting In good faith There is a valuable provision in the Moriarty James bill which pro hibits express companies from ex £tia charges for collecting and de livering packages and the railroad tomnussioners agree that it Is rea tonable What attitude the express com panies will take In regard to the Moriarty James bill is not known is the act will not go Into effect bntll August while the schedules based on the Currie act will be promulgated within the next 80 Java by tho commission and It Is txperted that' they will bring tbont a general of ratesbetween Michigan points WANTED COTTAGE enh or six Address box No 54 Press COOK wanted at 6b0hast Grand lniirlh Thon Nnrrh IM GO MP LI l'T must bt goM cook nam ave Phone Norin arm hands married and single wages steady work) Bteatnfitter helper brush hands and sanders jani tor $25 board room bright young men to lrn trade $175? dishwasher $8 no Sunday work MUTUAL 248 Griswold AT ONCE Sticker hand Apply to the Blonds Lum ber A Manufacturing Co Chatham Ont WO DISHWASHERS WANTED 2 Jefferson west rtetaurant 1 MALEtrences wants po ZHtibn Box No 2 Press ani competent man hioroughjy experienced and with Vhf 't ability desires a change Hat A Ihnr a on uppoTTunity lor a 1rr2Soman 10 atvance Box 1 No IIrrM Pi ms A BELON MAN wanted on rakes day work Lawrence A Bon lensing Mich ABLE BODIED MEN wanted for the 8 Marine corps between 1 be ages of 19 and Sa Must be native born or have first pa Monthly pay $lo to $69 Additional compensation possible ood clothing quarters and medical attention free After 3u years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of norld Apply at corps Re vruitinx Office 75 ort at Detroit i Wc positions to sew ing machine operators both experienced and inexperi enced hands Permanent all year round work No help laid off Good ages Dining room in connection Stult Ste Marl Mich May The centennial convention of the State camp Woodmen of America closed here today after choosing Grand Rapids aa the meeting place for 1914 the urniture City win ning out In a hot triangular fight with Cadillac and Alpena Herbert Baker was re elected state con sul for a third1 term establishing a new precedent In that respect in this state Clyde Watt of Saranac was re elected state clerk The following delegates were elect ed to represent Michigan at ths head 'camp meeting to be held In Buffalo next month: Delegate at large and chairman of delegation Herbert Baker of Cheboygan Mahon John Stark Adrian TVHHam Thorne Battle Creek Bennett Coldwater John Mc Girk Niles Allen Glendale William Gablo St Joseph Kibbler Dowagiac George hi lts I Morgan John Haye? Grand Rapids Henry Bolt soutn Haven Anderson ontiac 1' Donley lint A Prosper Brighton Lerov Port Austin Clark A Putt St Johns: Eli Gib bard Saginaw Hurscn Mus kegon Clark A Jaggor Luding ton Hagedorn Bay City: Alfred Deltte Alpena: Mc Cuistion Boyne Cltr Daniels Big Rapids red Brown thaw Buller Ishpeming krlHwhz 'Houghton: Brffn Iron River Caullin Es canaba Bullard of Detroit was unanimously Indorsed by the con vention 1 for the position of mem ber of tho board of directors of tho national organisation the place held for a number of years bv Byrne of Ishpeming now col lector of custom a Marnurrta convention adopted a resolu tion Instructing the Michigan dele gation to the national convention at Buffalo next month to vote as a unit for Mr Bullard He has heon state deputy fnr the nrdr for several years and Is one of the best known and popular members in the state i'huksdayj? may ej'ivir Paperhanger Wanted irst class man for kalsomlnlng and pa perhanglnr DR KENNEDY lO Laf ayette HELPER wanted Cort land ave Highland Park first house west of Second Apply between 8 and 9 clock UKMONSTRATOUS and commission lHARCOMINT lu Buhl block diningroom girls Campbeirs neMaurant 13 Abbott MRS A I 1 it 44 I I MALE I A I 4 W4 i X4 ft BL YA 4 I Bi" Bl Si i i I I' fc hf 11 A '7 5 0' i I I i I Vs a 4 'I' 1 1 3 ree sun he A A mJ 4 fc tc i Eg iHI MU JIS I W5v: Bull iff 5r rt A 44 'I I 1 I i V' A CB A 1 1 II 3 if SSbi r'" Girls' Well SEVERAL first class all around machiuists for pro cess inspectors Studebaker Corporation Ji 1' ae tory 2o 3 Clark and Most Jeflerson SHEET MTAL amiliar with automobile fender work Best wages to good men The KiCLaey Mfg Toledo Ohio TAILOR wanted helper an custom coats steady work: good 31 Jrarmer TAILOR to do buahehng and pressing 1496 Jefteraon east TEAMSTERS AN 1 ED andler teQehr iag Co 663 Beaubien TIMEKEHKR Experienced vounx riau $6 chamber vwnnierc TURRET lAm HANUo Apply MID 1 i DITCH 97 Meldrum TWELVE BODY WORK OR MU OB TRUCK ACTORY AP PLY I ALDEN SAMPSON MG CO OAKLAND AND I RHODE ISLAND AVES TWO JOB COMPOSITORS wanted at once Apply bebarf Tag Label Box Co psilantl Mich TWO YOUNG MLN vicinity west Circus nark Moderate Box No 15 ree TWO EXPERIENCED MEAT CUATERS peter Smith A Sons 24 Gratiot qve TWO LATHEES by yard Phone Wal nut 33U Call 56 Hooper wanted Weal 1 Upholstering Co Hubbard and Mich lan UPHOLSTERER wanted GEO MOONEY Twenty fourth and Baker WALLPAPER vLERk' wanted living "on east preferred Address box No 12 ree WANTED Ono first class inspector who thoroughly understands assembling of automobile motors Stude baker Corporation actory No 3 Clark and West Jefferson WANTED irst class tracers Gome prepared to work The Studebaker Corporation actories Piquette and Brush Sts WANTED Eiperienced specialty sales man with computing scaiea cash regis ter or high grad advertluing experi ence fr advertising proposition to re commission with reasonable expense advance to mm with proper credentials: want ambitious men ca pable of eventually handling large field force: position worth $8000 to $12000 to Rooms 1429 and 1430 Mftaonm bldg Chicago III ANTE Chassis and final assemblers those hav ing tools given preference Apply at Employment De partment Hudson Motor Car Co Two good gen eral wood working 'machine hands steady work Card Lumber Mfg Co 309 Holden ave WANTED OR Able bodied unmarried men between of 18 and 34 cltlrmii of United Rtates of good char acter and temperate habits who canpeak read and write English Ian or Information apply to Rocruit Ing Officer 212 Griswold et Detroit Mich By well establtehed automo blle manufacturer man for general of fice work Mutt be familiar with pur chasing State fully in first letter ex perience and salary wanted Address Lock Box No Pittsburg a Young man to handle details in Sales Department Must be good corr apondent end have aome aalea ability Gnod chance for advancement Address box No 12 ree rees WANTED Stock cutter for autnmobll top work Rltfer Mfg Co 3724 East Grand boulevard 25 bench molders Apply Mich igan Iron Co YOUNG MAN wanted for assistant in office state age experience and references Box No 7 ree Press YOUNG work for small fay It coats you only 80 cents to earn a good right at home which pays $15 to $20 per week easy work Wekeinan rees 265 Cherryst Buffalo YOUNG man about 22 who Is an expert stenographer with clerical ability: must write a good hand give reference and salary expected Address box No 1 ree Press TOUNG MEN to act as eilcsmen newt atand on great lake steamers salary and expenses App National Rallwav News Co foot of fchMby YOUNG MAN to run elevator muet be nrat and clean good place for one who wants study as there Is little work Inquire 63 Buhl block YOUNG MAN for general work grocery and ealoon Address box No 16 Press 923 paid voung men for their spare time no soliciting Apply In person to A Lake Brush street entrance Light Guardr Armory Thursday et 8 in g000 government positions open Write for list ranklin Institute Dept 135 Roc Hester New York WANTED EMAT New Discovery a liquid nail gloss because 1 it produces a beautiful pink luster without eolor of polishing or by ail drug and department stores Send 14o for Gall Co 1042 Warren ave west A A Experienced tailoreas hand button makers on custom coats operators finishers on custom pants steady work Greenwood Atkinson Armstrong Co 75 Woodward A A German girl for general house work small family? no washing 8008 East Grand Boulevard Tel North 3o96 A RESIDENT LAUNDRESS wanted good 'position A Employment Dept A (V0K waitresses kitchen home work maids dishwashers 7 Central 26 lort 9 AGENTS everywhere 10 introduce qulca 1 soiling household specialties profits im mense $4 to $10 a day particulars free LININGTUN JR Grand Rapids Mich 1 AN EXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework good wages country girl preferred 200 Blalna ave Telephone North 4927' High school boy with wheel after noons SMITH 92 or west BOY wanted for cigar eland CenU'JU Drqg Co 9a Woodward BOY wanted Stroup Printing Co 78 West Larned st BRIGHT BOY not 16 for office work per manent advancement Gray Motor to (Tharlotte and Woodward BUSHELMAN and presser wanted 12 Elizabeth West BUSHELMAN and all around tailor good steady Job Inquire ns Michigan ave or write DRA7VE Algonac Mich BU3HELMAN wanted good wages: steady work Hiram Goldberg Lu Gratiot and armer CANDYMAKER and candymakers help er 281 Woodward CAR CARPENTERS Experienc ed on heavy freight repairs only blgh clasa men wanted come at onco Ottawa Kansas Car Works utUwa Ks CARPENTER WANTED Steady work to first class men WM KEEGAN 937 Baldwin CARPENTERS wanted inishers first class at job Second and Glad ton CHASSIS ASSEMBLERS wanted at once Carhartt Automobile Corporation Must thoroughly familiar with iron and steel mixtures Box No 28 ree Must furnish wheel 333 Majestic bldg.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.