Console Commands (Cheats) – Steam Solo (2024)

Console Commands (Cheats) – Steam Solo (1)


Quick refrence list of the Console commands (cheats) to do with what you will.

Enabling the Console

Last Updated 8/14/20


The console is an optional feature and is disabled by default. To activate it you need to press F3 and you’ll see a checkbox ticked in the top left saying: “Disable Console”. Press F8 to get a mouse cursor and uncheck the box to activate the console.

Once the console is enabled, press Enter, ~, Ø or Ö, depending on the keyboard, and type one of the commands below. Whenever you restart the game, you need to press one of the overlay keys first (e.g. F3) before pressing the console key.

It is recommended to close all overlays before typing a command, as entering a number does change the game settings on some overlays (e.g. on the overlay).


Function Keys

Typical configuration of function keys on macOS designate them as special function keys rather than fkeys, requiring the fn key being pressed with an function key to override these functions. To display the overlay in macOS, press fn + F3, then fn + F8 to enable the cursor.
Overlay Display Issue

If the overlay is not displayed, try setting the game resolution to a setting lower than the default (in Options > General), then using the function key commands.

The overlay box and input box (see below) may also be hidden if the game is being run in being run in Windowed mode. Toggling from Windowed to Fullscreen or vice versa may help.

Please note and use of underscore “_” in the codes represents a space.



Codes Affecting Player or Gameplay Mechanics


Kills the player, skipping the intro sequence and spawning them in the ice tunnel. If in Creative mode, also gives the player a Mobile Vehicle Bay, a Seaglide, a Survival Knife, a Flashlight, a Habitat Builder, a Stasis Rifle, a Propulsion Cannon, Fins, and five Floaters.

Freedom, Creative, Survival, Hardcore

Changes game mode to chosen type.


Toggles shotgun mode, which allows the player to kill creatures by right clicking on them.


Agressive fauna won’t attack you


disables hunger and thirst


Toggles the effect of cold on the player.


Toggles wind




Disables the player’s breath bubbles.


Toggles pressure effects on Seabases and Vehicles.


POWAH! UNLIMITED POWAH!!! (for bases, vehicles, and items)


Free Fabricating


Scanner registers new subjects almost instantly


Infinite O2


Freezes all small fish similarly to the effect of the Brinewing.


Freezes player similarly to the effect of the Brinewing.


Gives all objects that can be picked up by the propulsion cannon a blue glow, similar to the effect while scanning an object. Also enables the noenergy command.

baseflood [#]

Floods all player-built seabases to designated percentage (meaning water level). 0 means not flooded and 1 means completely flooded.


Commit suiscide


Toggles fastswim mode, which allows you to gain a large speed boost while holding Left Shift.


Eggs will hatch within a few moments after being placed in an Alien Containment.


Planted seeds grow instantly


Increase base building speed


Forces the player into swim mode while in an underwater Architect Base.


Disables weather events (Blizzards, energy storm etc.) and sets outside temp to 22°C


Toggles lightning


Toggles rain


Re-rolls all weather for the next 24 in-game hours.


Sets the current weather to the given name. Weather Events:

blizzard (Blizzard)
calm (Calm weather)
clearskies (Clear skies)
cold (Cold weather)
electricstorm (Electrical storm)
hailstorm (Hail storm)
heavyfog (Heavy fog)
rain (Rain)
lightsnow (Snow)
snowstorm (Snowstorm)

speed (#)

Sets the game speed multiplier. Using a 2 would double the game speed, while 0.5 would halve it. Good for setting up screenshots.

story [NAME]

Advances the current story to a designated point. The story command uses pre-made parameters to skip to specific points in the story, and the full list of commands is viewable when typing story on its own. A description of each command can be seen using the story help command.

The list of commands and appropriate description is as follows:

Repair the rocket with the Repair tool if necessary, or build a new rocket from the terminal on the rocket platform. Put the enzyme into to rocket, go to the terminal and click to launch the rocket.

Walk uphill and out of the entrance of the cave to trigger the first encounter with Marguerit.

Swim into the Sanctuary to hear the precursor talk to you for the first time. Head to the room at the back for the download sequence.

story help [NAME]

Shows the help description for given story command. See story command for list of commands and their descriptions.

daynightspeed (#)

Change the speed of the day/night cycle. 1 is default, so 2 is double, and 0.5 is half.


Set time to noon


Set time to midnight


Changes all spawned Snowfoxes to variant 1, meaning they have infinite boost and increased jump height.


Changes all spawned Snowfoxes to variant 2, meaning they have infinite boost and increased jump height. Functionally identical to hoverbikevariant1.


Causes every Water Filtration Machine on the map to instantly fabricate a Large Filtered Water.


Causes every Water Filtration Machine on the map to instantly fabricate Sodium.


Enables the Lily Paddler’s hypnosis effect.


Disables the Lily Paddler’s hypnosis effect.

Movement Codes


Teleports the player half a meter in a random direction. Good for getting unstuck.

warp (x) (y) (z)

warp player to specific coordinates

warpforward (x)

Warp player ahead x meters


Teleports you back to the last base or vehicle you were in

biome (Name)


introarea (Research Base Zero)
introicecave (ice cave leading to Alien Research Site Zero)
shallowtwistybridges (Shallow Twisty Bridges)
twistybridges (Twisty Bridges)
lilypads (Lilypad Islands)
crystalcave (Crystal Caves)
deeppads (Deep Lilypads Cave)
kelp (Arctic Kelp Forest)
kelpcave (Arctic Kelp Caves)
deeptwisty (Deep Twisty Bridges)
thermalspires (Thermal Spires)
purplevents (Purple Vents)
treespires (Tree Spires)
miningsite (Active Mining Site)
deeppurple (Deep Purple Vents)
deltaisland (Delta Island)
glacialbasin (Glacial Basin)
glacialbasinwatercave (Glacial Basin Underwater Tunnels)
glacialbasintrees (Glacial Basin Forest)
glacialbasindarkcave (Glacial Basin Ice Fissure)
deeppurplevents (Deep Purple Vents)
purpleventscrevice (Purple Vents Crevice)
lilypadcrevice (Lilypads Crevice)
GlacialBay (Glacial Bay)
arcticSpires (Arctic Spires)
crystalcavefissure (Crystal Caves Fissure)
fabricatorcave (Fabricator Caverns)
lilypadisland (Lilypad Islands)
sparsearctic (Sparse Arctic)
thermalspirescave (Thermal Spires Cave)
westiceberg (West Arctic)
easticeberg (East Arctic)

goto (name)

Warp to a specific area of the map.
rocket (Exchanger Rocket launch pad)
twistybridgesvalleyfloor (near the cave leading to the entrance to Sanctuary Zero)
enzymesample (Lilypad Islands)
shieldbasecaveentrance (cave entrance leading to Alien Research Site Zero)
shieldbase (entrance to Alien Research Site Zero)
deeppadscache (Deep Lilypads Cave Cache)
arcticspirescache (Arctic Spires Cache)
crystalcastlecache (Crystal Caves Cache)
fabricatorbase (Fabricator Base)
sanctuary (Sanctuary Zero)
miningsite (Active Mining Site)
rocketiceShelf (ice shelf near the Shallow Twisty Bridges)
mtechsite1 (cargo area in the Deep Arctic)
mtechsite2 (cargo area on an island near the Lilypad Islands)
mtechsite3 (cargo area in the Deep Arctic)
margebase (Marguerit Maida’s Base)
divesuit (Serik Jevov’s divesuit)
alterrabase2 (Research Base Omega)
alterratechsite2 (Twisty Bridges tech site with Rebreather databox)
alterratechsite4 (inside a wall in the Tree Spires)
tunnelExit (exit of the tunnel from Research Base Zero)
baseSupplydrop1 (first Drop Pod location)
shieldbasetop (top of Alien Research Site Zero)
GlacialBasin (Glacial Basin)
HoverbikeBase (Snowfox Base)
SpyPenguinTest (Spy Pengling test area in Glacial Basin)
GlacialBasinBridge (Large bridge in Glacial Basin)
FrozenCreature (Frozen Leviathan)
GlacialBasinBunker (Jeffreys’ Bunker)
GlacialBasinLargeCave (Large cave in the Glacial Basin)
GlacialBasinJump (Ice ramp in Glacial Basin leading to Arctic Spires)
GlacialBasinStart (Above the slope leading to the Glacier)
GlacialBasinDarkCave (Dark cave in the Glacial Basin)
RocketAreaRockCave (Cave on the Rocket Island)
SpyPenguinTest2 (Spy Pengling test area 2)
SpyPenguinTest3 (Spy Pengling test area 3)
SpyPenguinTest4 (Spy Pengling test area 4)
SpyPenguinTest5 (Spy Pengling test area 5)
SpyPenguinTest6 (Spy Pengling test area 6)
bigtreespire (Big Tree Spire)
precursortechsite1 (Architect Artifact in the Arctic Kelp Caves)
precursortechsite2 (Architect Artifact in the Purple Vents)
precursortechsite3 (Architect Artifact in the Arctic Kelp Caves)
precursortechsite4 (Architect Artifact in the Deep Twisty Bridges)
precursortechsite5 (Architect Artifact on the Rocket Island)
precursortechsite6 (Architect Artifact in the Tree Spires)
crashedship1 (Lilypad Islands half of Crashed Ship)
crashedship2 (Purple Vents half of Crashed Ship)
crashedship3 (Detached thruster of the Crashed Ship)
Icewormarena (Arctic Spires)
Icewormarena2 (Deeper in Arctic Spires)
Icewormdebugarea (Ice Worm debug area)
shieldbasebackentrance (Hoverzone 3 entrance to Alien Research Site Zero)
purpleventssalvage (Wreck in the Purple Vents)
shipwrecksalvage (Empty location near Crashed Ship)
hoverapproach (Corridor in Hoverzone 3)
emperors (Emperor location in Lilypad Islands)
glacialconnection (Area near entrance to Glacial Basin)
mWhiteKey (Frozen Waterfall in Hoverzone 3)
emergencyCache (Emergency Supply Cache in Twisty Bridges)
KelpTechsite1 (Tech site in Arctic Kelp Forest)
TwistyTechsite1 (Tech site in Twisty Bridges)
TwistyTechsite2 (Tech site in Twisty Bridges)
TwistyTechsite3 (Tech site in Twisty Bridges)
glacialbasindropshiptechsite (Alterra Shuttle landing pad in Glacial Basin)
glacialbasindarkcavetechsite (Dark Cave entrance)
glacialbasinlargecavetechsite (Tech site in Large Ice Cave)
glacialbasinhoverbiketechsite (Tech site in Glacial Basin)
glacialbasinminingsite (Tech site in Arctic Spires)
precursorkeytechsite (Tech site in Arctic Spires)


Same as goto command, except teleports the player instead of moving them quickly.


Allows you to freely leave your character and roam the terrain, even fly through solid objects. Use the command again to go back to your character. (WARNING: Very sensitive movements, cannot open menu or inventory while in freecam.)
To manipulate freecam movement, use shift to accelerate. Pressing the numbers 1-5 also appears to change the speed at which you move using shift.


Same as freecam, except player model is teleported to camera position when cancelled rather than vice versa.

Inventory Codes


Spawns a rideable hoverbike.

spawn_seatruck or

spawns a seatruck.

Seatruck modules :
Aquarium Module
Fabricator Module
Storage Module
Prawn Dock
Sleeper Module
Teleportation Module

Module Item Code:


Gives the player a Survival Knife, Habitat Builder, 3x Battery, 4x Computer Chip, 5x Creepvine Sample, 10x Titanium and 10x Glass.


Gives the player an Ultra High Capacity Tank, one Metal Salvage, one Quartz, one Copper Ore, one Lead, one Mercury Ore, a Rebreather, a Reinforced Dive Suit, one Salt Deposit, one Gold, one Crystalline Sulfur, one Silver Ore, a Stasis Rifle, a Stillsuit, a Radiation Suit, a Compass, a Standard O₂ Tank, a Uraninite Crystal, one Cave Sulfur, one Kyanite, one Diamond, one Nickel Ore, one Lithium, one Table Coral Sample, one Ruby, one Coral Tube Sample, one Magnetite, and one Stalker Tooth.


Gives the player a Stasis Rifle, Propulsion Cannon, Survival Knife, Flashlight, Habitat Builder, Air Bladder, Pathfinder Tool, Scanner, Repair Tool, Laser Cutter, Flare, and Light Stick.


deletes all your items


Gives the player every common vehicle module.


Spawns an unpowered Seaglide in front of the player.


deletes all your items


Gives the player every type of Prawn suit arm.


Gives the player every sea truck module.


Gives the player one of each color precursor key.

item (Item name) (amount)

Spawn specific items to your inventory. eg : item copperwire 10
A complete list of item codes can be found here[]

spawn (Item name) (amount)

Spawn specific items in front of you. eg : spawn seaglide 1
A complete list of item codes can be found here[]


Give yourself all blueprints


The command applies the effects of the following commands:


This command also adds the following items to your inventory:

Habitat Builder
Survival Knife
Repair Tool


Initiates a certain drop.


supplydrop briefing

Initiates the supply drop that contains the Sector Zero briefing.

Type supplydrop with no supply drop name for the following list:

Supply Drops:

Contains the Bioscanner.

Drop a Drop Pod at Research Base Zero.

Contains 2 Disinfected Waters, 2 First Aid Kits, and 2 Heating Gels.

Drops a Drop Pod in the Shallow Twisty Bridges.

Contains the Habitat Builder.

Contains 1 Filtered Water.

Drops a Drop Pod at Research Base Zero.

Contains 1 Power Cell.

Contains 9 Salt Deposits and 1 Nutrient Block.

Console Commands (Cheats) – Steam Solo (2024)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.