#BookReview Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston #ccspin (2025)

#BookReview Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston #ccspin (1)About the Book

Their Eyes Were Watching God is the best known work by African-American writer Zora Neale Hurston. The novel narrates main character Janie Crawford’s “ripening from a vibrant, but voiceless, teenage girl into a woman with her finger on the trigger of her own destiny.” As a young woman, who is fair-skinned with long hair, she expects more out of life, but comes to realize that people must learn about life ‘fuh theyselves’ (for themselves), just as people can only go to God for themselves.

Set in central and southern Florida in the early 20th century, the novel was initially poorly received but today, it has come to be regarded as a seminal work in both African-American literature and women’s literature. TIME included the novel in its 2005 list of the 100 best English-language novels published since 1923.

Format: ebook (202 pp.) Publisher: Harper Collins
Publication date: 2013 [1937] Genre: Modern Classics

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My Review

Their Eyes Were Watching God is one of those books that you feel you ought to love because it occupies such an iconic position in 20th century literature. I can’t say I found it an easy read for the reasons I’ll set out shortly but I certainly admired it and felt more kindly towards the book in the second half.

The main thing I found difficult about the book was that much of Janie’s story is rendered in vernacular. This does give it a fantastic sense of authenticity but, initially, I found it difficult to get to grips with and found myself having to re-read sentences to ensure I understood what was being said.

Janie is a young woman who instinctively wants more from life (although she doesn’t know quite what) and snatches the opportunities that arise although more often than not, sadly, they don’t work out. A recurring theme of the book is the silencing of women, in particular by men but more generally by society. When Janie finally meets someone who seems to want her to be herself and not be constrained, it ends in tragedy.

I did find it strange that at certain points in the book the author chooses to switch from Janie articulating her story directly to the third person. The Afterword included in my edition (an essay by Henry Louis Gates, Jr.) describes this as the author shifting ‘back and forth between her “literate” narrator’s voice and a highly idiomatic black voice found in wonderful passages of free indirect discourse’. In one section, the book even switches to the point of view of Janie’s second husband, Jody. And towards the end of the book, when Janie is on trial accused of a serious crime, the reader doesn’t get to hear her defence in her own words.

The author’s writing craft is demonstrated by some imaginative turns of phrase. For example, when Janie wakes up in time to see ‘the sun sending up spies ahead of him to mark out the road through the dark’ or, sitting on her porch one evening she watches the moon rise. ‘Soon its amber fluid was drenching the earth, and quenching the thirst of the day.’ And there is real drama created in the scenes set in the Everglades during which Janie, Tea Cake (her third husband) and others flee the flood water created by the passing hurricane. (It is during this section that the book’s title appears.)

Their Eyes Were Watching God was the book from my Classics Club list chosen for the latest Classics Club Spin.

In three words: Thought-provoking, intense, emotional

Try something similar: The Colour Purple by Alice Walker

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About the Author

Zora Neale Hurston(January 7, 1891 – January 28, 1960) was an American author,anthropologist, andfilmmaker. She portrayed racial struggles in the early-20th-centuryAmerican Southand published research onHaitian Vodou.The most popular of her four novels isTheir Eyes Were Watching God, published in 1937. She also wrote more than 50 short stories, plays, and essays.

Hurston was born inNotasulga, Alabama, and moved with her family toEatonville, Florida, in 1894. She later used Eatonville as the setting for many of her stories. It is now the site of the Zora! Festival, held each year in her honor.In her early career, Hurston conducted anthropological and ethnographic research while a student atBarnard CollegeandColumbia University. She had an interest in African-American and Caribbean folklore, and how these contributed to the community’s identity.

She also wrote fiction about contemporary issues in the black community and became a central figure of theHarlem Renaissance. After moving back to Florida, Hurston wrote and published her literary anthropology on African-American folklore in North Florida,Mules and Men(1935), and her first three novels:Jonah’s Gourd Vine(1934);Their Eyes Were Watching God(1937); andMoses, Man of the Mountain(1939).

Hurston’s works concerned both the African-American experience and her struggles as an African-American woman. Her novels went relatively unrecognized by the literary world for decades. Interest was revived in 1975 after authorAlice Walkerpublished an article, “In Search of Zora Neale Hurston”, in the March issue ofMs.magazine that year. (Bio courtesy of Wikipedia)

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#BookReview Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston #ccspin (2025)


#BookReview Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston #ccspin? ›

Their Eyes Were Watching God is one of those books that you feel you ought to love because it occupies such an iconic position in 20th century literature. I can't say I found it an easy read for the reasons I'll set out shortly but I certainly admired it and felt more kindly towards the book in the second half.

What is Their Eyes Were Watching God about short summary? ›

Zora Neale Hurston was a famous writer in the Harlem Renaissance. Her most famous novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, is the story of Janie Crawford and her search for true love. Through three marriages, Janie discovers not only what true love looks like, but she discovers herself, too.

What is the message of Their Eyes Were Watching God? ›

As Henry Louis Gates Jr. writes in the afterword to most modern editions of the book, Their Eyes Were Watching God is primarily concerned “with the project of finding a voice, with language as an instrument of injury and salvation, of selfhood and empowerment.”

What is the deeper meaning of Their Eyes Were Watching God? ›

In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Hurston offers a moving call for black people to embrace a new kind of love, one based upon partnership and not ownership. “'Their Eyes Were Watching God' continues to challenge readers to find themselves again and again.”

What does Zora Neale Hurston mean by Their Eyes Were Watching God? ›

Hurston writes that they waited to see how nature would determine their fate: “They seemed to be staring at the dark, but their eyes were watching God.” With this line, the characters recognize the lack of control they have over their own lives, and realize they can only be spared from the cruelty of nature if God sees ...

What is the point of view Their Eyes Are Watching God? ›

Their Eyes Were Watching God is told from the perspective of an omniscient third-person narrator, meaning the narrator has access to the inner lives of each character. Unlike Janie and the other characters, the narrator does not speak in the informal Southern dialect.

Why is Their Eyes Were Watching God so important? ›

Published in 1937, Zora Neale Hurston's novel Their Eyes Were Watching God is regarded as a groundbreaking piece of literature for its exploration of the self through the eyes of Janie Crawford, a romantic, resilient Black woman navigating three marriages in the early 20th century.

What lessons does Their Eyes Were Watching God teach? ›

In Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, the protagonist Janie learns and grows from each of her relationships. Her life lessons are woven into the themes of love and 'mislove,' power and domination, and inequality and discrimination throughout the novel.

What does Janie's hair symbolize? ›

Hair. Janie's hair is a symbol of her power and unconventional identity; it represents her strength and individuality in three ways. First, it represents her independence and defiance of petty community standards.

What does Their Eyes Were Watching God teach about love? ›

In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston approaches romantic love as a symbiotic element of nature and longing that, when finally realized, is too pure to exist for very long on an impure earth.

Why are Their Eyes Were Watching God a good book? ›

With an elegant use of symbolism to highlight the critiques on obdurate social roles and hierarchy in a quest for freedom and selfhood, Their Eyes Were Watching God is an absolute classic work of literature that withstands the test of time.

What is interesting about Their Eyes Were Watching God? ›

Their Eyes Were Watching God incorporates the vernacular speech patterns of southern Blacks with poetic prose to create a powerful story. Hurston was, in fact, an anthropologist who studied Caribbean and Black southern culture; she brilliantly applied this study to the crafting of Their Eyes Were Watching God.

What is the message behind "Their eyes were watching God"? ›

The most prevalent themes in Their Eyes Were Watching God involve Janie's search for unconditional, true, and fulfilling love. She experiences different kinds of love throughout her life.

What is Zora Neale Hurston's message? ›

A movie was made celebrating her novel, “There Eyes Were Watching God.” Zora Neale Hurston is confirmation that when trying to fight for your rights, your freedom or even you acceptance in society there are passive ways in which you can present your arguments and there are more forward ways.

What is Their Eyes Were Watching God summary? ›

Brief summary

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston is a powerful novel that follows the journey of Janie Crawford as she searches for love, independence, and self-fulfillment in the Deep South during the early 20th century.

What is the poem Their Eyes Were Watching God about? ›

The epic tale of Janie Crawford, whose quest for identity takes her on a journey during which she learns what love is, experiences life's joys and sorrows, and come home to herself in peace.

What does Their Eyes Were Watching God say about God? ›

As the title indicates, God plays a huge role in the novel, but this God is not really the Judeo-Christian God. The book maintains an almost Gnostic perspective on the universe: God is not a single entity but a diffuse force. This outlook is particularly evident in the mystical way that Hurston describes nature.

What kind of story is "Their eyes were watching God"? ›

Their Eyes Were Watching God is primarily an example of bildungsroman in that it follows Janie's transition from childhood to adulthood, is told mostly in flashback as Janie recounts her life to Pheoby, and depicts Janie's self-discovery as she embarks on a search for meaningful existence.

What does Their Eyes Were Watching God explore? ›

Zora Neale Hurston centered her novel Their Eyes Were Watching God around the protagonist Janie and her journey to find herself. Published in 1937, it was revolutionary for readers to explore themes of love, language, gender, and spirituality through the eyes of a young Black woman.


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