30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (2024)

DIY-ers have ahuge opportunity tosell online. Bycreating something unique, they’re able toattract customers who are looking forthat one-of-a-kind, handmade product— something that you can’t just find onAmazon. So, ifyou’re acrafty type ofperson orlooking foranew business idea, consider turning your DIY project into aprospering venture.

But figuring out how you can put these artistic skills towork can bealittle bit tricky. How can you offer something unique andspecial? What are thebest DIY products tosell online?

We’ve gathered 30simple, low-cost DIY craft ideas that you can make andsell with minimal startup expenses. Even better: there’s noofficial training needed andcertainly nothing requiring aprofessional sculptor’s skills.

Low-Cost DIY Products

These craft projects are perfect forentrepreneurs onabudget. They require minimal materials, most ofwhich can befound atyour local craft store oreven around thehouse.


Create downloadable andprintable artwork, calendars, orplanners that customers can purchase andprint athome. This isagreat option fordigital products that require nophysical shipping andcan besold atanytime, making italow-cost DIY product with high profit margins. You can even offer customized options foranextra fee, allowing customers topersonalize their prints.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (1)

Printable coloring pages by@Leslie.Braginsky

Also read: Digital Product Ideas That Fit Almost Every Storefront

Mason Jar Crafts

Decorate mason jars with paint, fabric, orother materials tocreate unique storage solutions ordecorative items. These versatile jars can beused foranything from storing kitchen supplies toholding candles andflowers. You can even create themed sets, such asaset ofmason jars decorated with different designs fortheholidays orpretty flowers.


Ifyou’re searching foraninexpensive DIY product that appeals tomany, notecards could betheway togo. Paper andtextiles are budget-friendly, andyou don’t need anyspecial skills tomake them. Plus, they’re cheap andeasy toship since they’re made ofpaper. Get creative bytrying calligraphy, stamps, dried flowers, oreven DIY prints from theinternet tocraft stunning cards foryour store.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (2)

Floral designs are apopular style fornotecards (Image: @typoflora)

Tutorial: Easy DIY Watercolor Prints

Bath Bombs

Bath bombs have been rising inpopularity since early 2015, andtoday, themarket forthese fizzing bathtub potions ismore popular than ever before. Even more interesting, thematerials that gointo them are very inexpensive.

The few basic ingredients forthese DIY crafts (baking soda, epsom salts, food coloring, toname afew) can bepurchased inlarge quantities atapretty low cost— meaning high margins foryou!


Candles are DIY crafts that can besold all year. Since most people won’t splurge onquality candles forthemselves, they make great gifts. With birthdays, anniversaries, andmany holidays year-round, you’ve always got areason tokeep customers coming back formore.

Bypurchasing bulk wax andscented oils, you can create many different scent combinations inavariety ofdifferent sizes andshapes. And thereally good news isthat you can launch acandle-making operation forunder $100.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (3)

Doyou sell DIY crafts online? Create afree Ecwid store andskyrocket your revenue byselling onsocial media orthrough Google, your website, orinperson.
Learn more

Holiday Ornaments orGift Tags

Buying new holiday decor every year isacherished tradition formany families. Hand-crafted items not only showcase thethoughtfulness ofthegiver but also provide theopportunity forreuse year after year. Beyond just holiday ornaments, crafters expand onthis skill tocreate various DIY products like personalized gift tags, napkin holder embellishments, andmore, which sell all year round.

The best part: When using materials like clay, you can create your own DIY products atminimal cost, boosting your profit margins.

Tutorial: Make your own clay ornaments


Fun, cheerful magnets are aneasy andthoughtful gift togive— andthey’re extremely cost-effective tomake. Infact, you can likely create these items for$0.01-0.03per magnet. Grab some resin, magnets, andsome images ordrawings, andinafew hours, you can make hundreds ofmagnets tosell online. How exciting!

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (4)

Colorful magnets by@ministoryco


Also: How ToFind Trending Products ToSell Online


Keychains are timeless accessories that remain trendy andserve asameans ofself-expression. They have long outlived their practical purpose andhave become identity pieces. Dangling initials reflect personalization, animal designs showcase one’s love foranimals, andimages oftourist attractions indicate apassion fortravel.

Using materials like leather, canvas, plastic, orcloth, you can create keychains forcustomers with all kinds ofinterests andhabits. Sell toboth men andwomen, keeping your market large. Bonus: The small size ofkeychains ensures your materials goalong way.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (5)

Personalized keychains byPlusDesignCrafts

Lip Balms

Did you know that homemade lip balms only require beeswax, coconut oil, vitamin E,andamicrowave? Most balms will take you less than five minutes tocreate. Watch this video toget started, andfeel free toexperiment with different colors andcontainers tomake your unique creations.

Customized Dinner Napkins orHand Towels

For thehome decorator who loves details, customized napkins orhand towels are animportant design piece. With minimal sewing skills andafew low-cost materials, you can create beautiful table accents andcustomized creations fortheworld’s most devoted home decorators. Injust afew hours, you can create alarge inventory ofDIY items tosell right away.

Tutorial: Creating custom-made dinner napkins


Who doesn’t like plants? Put them inapretty container, andyou instantly enhance anyspace. Designing one-of-a-kind planters that cater tovarious tastes andstyles enables shoppers toachieve their desired aesthetic athome orintheoffice. Often, you can build them with low-cost raw materials andstill make them look chic byincorporating different designs from contemporary/modern toVictorian orCraftsman.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (6)

Concrete plant pot byElementalDesignStore

Tutorial: Create your own concrete planters

Another low-cost DIY project istocreate pot wraps andother gardening embellishments that can besold foroutdoor use. With theright materials, you can create avariety ofdesigns andstyles tosuit anyplant!

Easy-to-Make Craft Ideas

These DIY products are simple tomake, making them perfect forbeginners orthose with limited time. With alittle effort andcreativity, these crafts can still yield high-quality products that customers will love.

Pet Toys

The APPA indicates that more than $60billion isspent onthepet industry each year. Needless tosay, people love their pets–and they’re happy tospend some money tomake them happy. You can tap into this massive market bycreating handmade, eco-friendly toys forpets that are made from low-cost recycled materials. There are alot ofYouTube video tutorials out there forsuch DIY crafts.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (7)

Dog chew toy byRunningPets

Step-by-step tutorial: DIY rope chew toy fordogs

Tote Bags

Did you know that theaverage person uses about 425plastic grocery bags ayear? Asmore andmore consumers strive tocut down onplastic bag use, tote bags are becoming more important than ever before.

From thegrocery store tothecoffee shop, these versatile catch-alls have ahuge market–and they’re extremely inexpensive tomake. Byoffering aunique design ormessage onyour tote bags, you can attract customers anddifferentiate yourself from competitors.

Similar toother DIY crafts onthis list, making atote bag isnot hard atall.

Tutorial: Make apolka dot canvas tote bag

Bytheway, you can also use print-on-demand services like Printful. You’ll only need tocreate adesign foryour tote, andPrintful will take care ofsourcing thebags, printing, andshipping orders tocustomers. Similarly, you can sell other print-on-demand products with your design, such asapparel, accessories, andhome decor.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (8)

Creating acustom tote bag iseasy with Printful

Handmade Soap

More andmore consumers want toincorporate safe, organic cleaning products into their daily lives. Capitalize onthis movement bycreating andmarketing your own made-from-scratch DIY products, like hand soap. With minimal startup investment, you can purchase soap-making materials andstart creating unique DIY crafts tosell within this market.

Like candles, every host orhostess, sister oruncle appreciates items that make them feel spoiled. With theamazing varieties ofscents anddyes available, it’s easy todevelop DIY products forspecific markets.

Tutorial: DIY gemstone soap

Making your own DIY products often means purchasing materials onaregular basis. Tokeep production running smoothly, connect your Ecwid store tomanufacturing software such asKatana. Itautomatically tells you ifyou have enough raw materials instock tostart production, when itistime toorder more, andwhat andhow much you need tostock upon. Learn more about Katana integration forEcwid, orconnect ittoyour store using these instructions.


“Don’t put that there— use acoaster!” Thanks toparanoid moms all over theworld, thecoaster business isalive andwell. And ifyou’re dipping your toes intheecommerce soup forthefirst time, coasters are aneasy way toget started. They’re available inawide variety ofmaterials (wood, cork, plastics, textiles, glass— even concrete), andyou can design them tofit many different aesthetics.

Togive your coaster business aleg-up, add customization forspecial occasions, like birthdays, weddings, orcorporate parties.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (9)

Cute, sustainable coasters made from scraps offabric (Image: @sharonhollanddesigns)

Tutorial: DIY Resin Beach Coasters


Headbands are great DIY products tosell online because they’re easy tomake andfun toexperiment on. Not sure how tomake aheadband? Noproblem. There are plenty oftutorials online, andsome don’t even require sewing. Ifyou’ve been looking forano-sweat craft, headbands are asafe andstylish bet.

Tip: Toattract sustainable shoppers, make headbands from upcycled materials.

Tutorial: Upcycled No-Sew Knotted T-Shirt Headband

Electronic Cases

Look around, andyou’ll notice that just about everyone has asmartphone ortablet within arm’s reach. Because wecarry these expensive pieces oftech with uswherever wego, itmakes sense that people are willing toinvest inadecent carrying case oraccessory tokeep itsafe. With awillingness tolearn abit ofsewing, you can create cases forelectronics that are both stylish anduseful forahuge market ofconsumers.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (10)

Kindle cover byLullabyCraftsWorld

Inaclimate where boring plastic boxes are everywhere, the“rougher,” thebetter… oratleast more unusual, natural, andauthentic.

Tutorial: Make your own leather iPad case


Ceramics may seem like asophisticated art form, but you can start bymaking asimple bowl. You will not necessarily need awheel andexpensive equipment forfiring your DIY products; consider beginning with just your hands andhome oven instead. Again, many consumers interpret this rough look asauthentic andinteresting compared totheflawless bowls spun perfectly with centrifugal force.

Byusing acrylic paint, glitter, oreven nail polish, you can turn your ceramic DIY crafts into apiece ofart. Itcan bereally effortless— watch thevideo tosee how.

Wall Art

Who says framed prints, posters, orpaintings have todominate our walls?

Bysharing your quirky orlovely creations orbymaking personalized wall decor, you allow consumers todecorate their homes with pieces that are distinctly “them.” See what you can create that’s unique, marketable, andmissing from thecurrent wall art marketplace.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (11)

Wall decor byStoreByRebecca

Tutorial: Custom string art wall decor

Car Freshies

Add alittle personal touch totheplaces where people spend themost time, like their cars. Car freshies offer adistinctive scent that sets them apart from other air fresheners onthemarket— allowing you tooffer customers aone-of-a-kind aroma fortheir car.

Tomake these cute DIY products, you will need some aroma beads, essential oils, molds, pigments, andstring.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (12)

Car freshie bySmell YaLater Freshie

Unique Craft Projects

These DIY products are unlike anyyou’ll find onthemarket, making them stand out topotential customers. They may require abit more specialized knowledge ormaterials, but theend result isworth it.

3DPrinted Products

The possibilities with 3Dprinting are endless. You can create custom jewelry andaccessories, figurines andcollectibles, oreven unique home decor items. While investing ina3Dprinter may bemore expensive, some craft ideas can help you make your margins higher. Goforsmaller items like keychains, jewelry, magnets, etc.

Dread Hair Extensions

Dreads come back infashion every now andagain. Why not offer some lovely dread options? Get some wooden beads, wool, cotton, silk, pewter, fabrics, andyou’re ready togo.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (13)

Braid extension by27HairTreasures

Milk Bath Kits

Salts, oils, teas, jellies— bathtubs aren’t just forbubbles anymore. And one ofthelatest trends forpampering world-wearied skin (that’s also surprisingly easy tomake athome) isthemilk bath. Powdered milk, essential oils, baking soda, mineral salts, andoccasionally dried flowers are all you’ll need tomix upasimple batch foryour customers.

But before you start thinking about how tosell your DIY crafts, take afew minutes tothink through thepackaging. Milk bath packaging should bewaterproof (for obvious reasons) andstylish enough tocommunicate theexperience. Ifyou use simple mason jars, decorate them with labels orribbons. The fancier your packaging, themore likely your DIY products are tobepurchased asgifts.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (14)

Use beautiful images topromote milk baths onsocial media (Image: Anita Austvika /Unsplash)

Cat Tents

When you’re thinking about easy DIY crafts tomake andsell online, cat tents don’t usually come tomind. But they should. Afairly niche DIY product, cat tents are simple tomake, need only ahandful ofmaterials, andrequire little tonospecial skills. For broader appeal, offer your customers customizable options, like tents indifferent sizes andcolors orpersonalization fortheir pet’s name.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (15)

“Adventure tents” forcats from @tinkertradingco

Tutorial: DIY Cat Bed

Printed Throw Pillows

Did you know thehome decor market brings inabout $62.5billion each year? It’s true. That’s why entering this segment ofthemarketplace makes alot ofsense— especially ifyou have acompletely unique offering, like custom-printed throw pillows. Personalized throw pillows allow shoppers andgift buyers toexpress their pride andidentity. And you don’t need ascreen printing shop toget started— you can dothis athome.

Resin Jewelry

Resin jewelry issimple tomake, andastarter kit isrelatively inexpensive. With abit ofpatience andaneye fordesign, you can create beautiful, one-of-a-kind pieces tosell online. Plus, using clear resin, you can even offer photo-based jewelry creations that allow your customers toturn afavorite image into atreasured piece ofjewelry.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (16)

Resin jewelry byShirley Yunjing Chen

Tutorial: How tomake resin jewelry

Kids Toys

Asof2019, theaverage amount spent per child per year ontoys within theUSwas about $300, according toStatista. That’s adecent chunk ofchange. Bycreating DIY crafts like toys forchildren ofdifferent ages, you can share your creations with little ones who will love your DIY products foryears tocome. And you don’t have tobeamanufacturer, either. With some cloth, paint, andstuffing, you can become thenext master toymaker.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (17)

Soft toy blocks bySewMuchInCommon

Tutorial: Create aDIY dollhouse pillow

Wooden Designs

Ifthetextures andgrains ofwood have always intrigued you, therustic home decor niche could beforyou. Since thegoal istokeep natural objects intheir original forms andhues asmuch aspossible, beginners find making modifications andsimple upgrades simple. Another advantage tothis crafty path isthat you can discover many ofyour raw materials atthejunkyard orthrift store.

You’ll likely need agarage toget started, though. That’s how one ofEcwid’s merchants took off her rustic home decor business. Read her story tolearn alot ofhelpful insights about thehome decor industry.


Ifyou can source agood cloth oryarn supplier, selling blankets can make you alot ofmoney. With theright plan, ablanket can look really high-end, even ifit’s inexpensive tomake.

Discover thecountless ways tocreate acozy blanket beyond just crocheting. Check out this video tutorial foraninspiring example.

DIY Kits

Abrilliant way toenter theDIY market istocreate DIY kits. This allows you tooffer your customers aunique experience and, depending onyour kit, afully customizable finished product that they can beproud of.
You could create DIY makeup orsoap-making kits, painting orpottery sets, jewelry-making supplies, orcar freshie kits. Think about your target audience andwhat kinds ofDIY activities they may beinterested intrying out.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (18)

Candle making kit byFlorenceandCoStudio

Personalized Gifts

Customized products can make great gift options. You can use embroidery, engraving, orprinting techniques toadd names, monograms, orpersonal messages tovarious items such asmugs, bookmarks, phone cases, tote bags, andmore. Personalized DIY products can help your business stand out from other craft projects.

Print-on-demand services like Printful make iteasy tosell personalized apparel, accessories, orhome decor. You’ll only need tocreate adesign foryour product, andPrintful will take care ofsourcing theitem, printing, andshipping orders tocustomers.

Learn more: Print-on-Demand Explained: How toSell Custom Products without Breaking theBank

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (19)

Doyou sell DIY crafts online? Create afree Ecwid store andskyrocket your revenue byselling onsocial media orthrough Google, your website, orinperson.
Learn more

Where toSell DIY Products

Selling your DIY crafts online gives you access toaglobal market ofpotential customers. Choose one ormultiple platforms that align with your brand andtarget audience, anduse social media topromote your products anddrive traffic toyour online store.

But where exactly should you beselling your creations? Here are some popular options forreaching potential customers:

Your Own Website

Selling onyour own website has agreat advantage: you have full control over your branding, customer experience, andprofits. Plus, with theright ecommerce platform like Ecwid byLightspeed, setting upanonline store iseasy andaffordable.

Create anonline store using Ecwid forfree andcustomize ittoreflect your brand andshowcase your DIY products. You don’t need anycoding ordesign skills— just choose awebsite template andedit ittoadd your photos andtext.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (20)

Choose from dozens offree website templates

Online Marketplaces

You can also sell your DIY products onpopular online marketplaces focused onhandmade ordesigned products. Here are some common options:

  • Etsy: The go-to marketplace forhandmade items, Etsy has alarge community ofshoppers looking forunique andcreative products.
  • Amazon Handmade: Similar toEtsy, Amazon Handmade caters specifically tohandmade items andhas alarge customer base.
  • Crealandia: For those who specialize inhandmade andeco-friendly products, Crealandia isagreat platform toconnect with like-minded customers.
  • Folksy: AUK-based handcrafted anddesigned products marketplace, Folksy isagreat option forDIY-ers targeting theBritish market.
  • Goimagine: Amarketplace forhandmade andethically-made products, Goimagine supports small businesses andfair trade practices.
  • eBay: Anestablished andpopular marketplace, eBay offers awide range ofproducts, including handmade andDIY items.

Bytheway, ifyou decide tocreate your website with Ecwid, you can easily integrate your Ecwid store with eBay, Amazon, andsome other marketplaces.

Social Media

Use social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, andPinterest toshare photos andvideos ofyour DIY products andreach potential customers. You can also use these platforms tointeract with your audience, build afollowing, anddrive traffic toyour website.

Tomake selling DIY products onsocial media easier, use alink-in-bio tool, such asLinkup. Itallows you tocreate amobile-friendly page with links toall ofyour social profiles, content, and, most importantly, products. This way, potential customers can easily buy your DIY products right from your social media page.

30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (21)

Thania Villarreal’s Linkup page forher business, Zealously Handmade

Don’t limit yourself tojust one platform— try out different social media channels tosee which ones work best foryour brand andtarget audience. And ifyou’d like tosee which platforms bring you themost sales, you can quickly check itintheinsights section inyour Linkup.

Local Markets andCraft Fairs

Set upabooth atlocal markets andcraft fairs toreach customers inperson. This isagreat way toget immediate feedback onyour products andbuild alocal following.

Markets andfairs also offer great opportunities tonetwork with other small business owners andpotentially collaborate onfuture craft projects orevents. Plus, you can use these events asaway topromote your online store andsocial media channels.

Choose Several Sale Channels

With theoptions listed above, you can start selling your DIY products online andreaching potential customers inyour community. For best results, sell onseveral platforms atonce. For example, onyour website, Linkup, Etsy, orAmazon Handmade. Plus, don’t miss anopportunity tosell your crafts onlocal markets!

Marketplaces can begreat fordriving shoppers toyour products, but they usually charge high fees. That’s why having your own website iscrucial forincreasing your profit margins andstrengthing your brand. Asforlocal events, they allow you tobuild alocal customer base.

Bybeing present ondifferent platforms, you can reach thewidest possible audience andincrease your chances ofsuccess asaDIY entrepreneur. Sowhy limit yourself tojust one sales channel when you have somany options? Consider using Ecwid‘s ecommerce platform tomanage andsell your DIY products easily across multiple channels formaximum exposure.

DIY Crafts: Your Gateway toEcommerce

Whether you’ve been crafting foryears orit’s something new you’d like toexperiment with, you can dive into these craft ideas right away. From toys tocandles, thepossibilities are endless: get inspired andstart your ecommerce business with Ecwid. Today, consumers are moving away from mass-produced goods tothose created with love byindividual crafters.

Tote bags, planters, candles, bath bombs, pet toys, handmade soap, printed throw pillows, resin jewelry, customized dinner napkins, hand towels, keychains… And these are just afew ofthethings you can make yourself andsell online.

Once you’ve decided onwhat DIY crafts tomake andsell, besure tocheck out these beginner business resources:

  • How toBuild anEcommerce Website: The Easiest Way That Requires NoExperience
  • How toBuild aBrand: APlaybook forSmall Ecommerce Businesses

Need DIY craft ideas tomake andsell?

Discover DIY craft ideas andlearn how you can sell them online.

  • How toStart aHandmade Brand andSell Crafts
  • DIY: Things You Can Make andSell Online onYour Own
  • 8Hottest Craft Ideas toMake Money From theInternet
  • Art Shows andCraft Fairs
  • DIY Craft Ideas toMake andSell
DIY craft ideas
Fire Pits
Face Masks
Cat Trees
Floating Shelves
Coffee Tables
Wall Decor
Fidget Toys
Shoe Racks
Pull UpBars
Room Dividers
Cat Toys
Garden Gnomes
Squat Racks
30 DIY Crafts to Make and Sell in 2024 (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.