10 free performance appraisal templates to develop your team (2024)

1. Personio’s employee performance review template

When to use this template (frequency): Quarterly, biannually, or annually

This Personio performance appraisal template is designed to comprehensively evaluate an employee's professional attributes. It includes sections to assess key areas, including:

  1. Employee personality traits and development potential

  2. Working methods and the overall quality of work

  3. Knowledge, insights, and soft skills

This template is versatile enough to be applied in various contexts, whether you're conducting quarterly check-ins at a startup or annual reviews at a small marketing consultancy.

Beyond offering templates like these – to ease the appraisals process – Personio supports HR professionals with its robust performance management system. With Personio, you can streamline the appraisal process using automated workflows that reduce manual tasks, and ensure timely reviews and feedback.

As an HR solution, Personio tracks employee development and aligns performance metrics with your company’s goals. This holistic approach ensures that appraisals are consistent and deeply integrated with your management strategy.

10 free performance appraisal templates to develop your team (1)

Download this template for free

2. Self-evaluation template

When to use this template (frequency): Once or twice a year

Workers are often caught up with their daily tasks, leaving little room to think about their performance. This is why employee self-appraisal is such an important part of holistic performance reviews; they provide employees with the rare opportunity to reflect on their performance.

Self-appraisals are also beneficial in preparing for annual reviews. Employees can often offer a unique perspective on their contributions that are invisible to others. As such, these self-assessed insights help shape a more balanced and open dialogue.

And they’re especially valuable in workplaces where employee growth and development are encouraged, as they enable employees to track their progress and set personal objectives. Here’s a self-evaluation template:

Employee information

  • Name: [Insert]

  • Department/team: [Insert]

  • Position title: [Insert]

  • Review period: [Insert review period here]


This self-appraisal is an opportunity for you to reflect on your performance and contributions during the review period. Please provide thoughtful responses to each section, including examples and achievements where possible. The appraisal will also help you and your manager have honest and open conversations regarding performance, behaviours, and concerns you may have about your position.

1. Current performance

  • In three words, how have you experienced the 6/12 months at [insert company name here]?

  • How do you feel about your current performance?

  • Can you rate your job satisfaction: Excellent / Good / Average / Poor (if average or poor, please give a reason for this score)

2. Key accomplishments

  • What was your greatest achievement over the past 6/12 months? This could include projects completed, goals achieved, or any significant contributions to the team or organisation.

3. Strengths

  • Identify and discuss your key strengths and skills that have contributed positively to your role and the organisation.

  • What part of your current responsibilities do you enjoy the most? Would you say these responsibilities are also your strengths or just interesting?

4. Challenges and areas for growth

  • What was your most challenging task in the past 6/12 months and why?

  • What challenges do you face with your current responsibilities? Were these challenges within or outside of your control?

  • Reflect on areas where you feel you could improve or develop further. Consider both technical skills and soft skills.

    • Identify an area for growth and outline steps you plan to take to improve.

5. Goals for the future

  • Outline your professional goals for the upcoming review period. These could include skill development, career advancement, or specific targets you want to achieve.

    • State a professional goal and describe why it's important to you.

6. Support needed

  • What support or resources do you require from the organisation to help you achieve your goals or improve your performance?

7. Additional comments

  • Use this space to provide any additional comments or reflections on your performance, challenges faced, or suggestions for improvement.

Employee signature: ________________________ Date: __________

3. Goal-focused employee evaluation form

When to use this template (frequency): Quarterly or upon project completion

This template assesses how well employees meet specific competencies and objectives over a review period. This goals-driven approach is ideal where precise accountability and clear benchmarks are needed for success – such as meeting sales targets or achieving project milestones.

The template uses a scale ranging from ‘Exceeds expectations’ to ‘Needs Improvement’ to rate performance against each listed goal. The template also encourages managers to provide specific examples and detailed comments, to support the ratings given.

These extra details help provide a more complete account of where employees excel and where further development is required.

Here’s the goal-focused employee evaluation template:

Employee information

  • Name: [Insert]

  • Department/team: [Insert]

  • Position title: [Insert]

  • Review period: [Insert review period here]

  • Reviewer: [Insert name of manager or reviewer]


This performance appraisal form assesses the employee's achievements and areas for improvement during the review period. Please rate the employee's job performance against each goal or competency using the scale provided. Additionally, provide examples and comments to support your ratings.

1. Performance goals:

  • Goal/competency 1:

    • Description: [Describe the goal or competency being evaluated.]

    • Rating:

      • Exceeds expectations

      • Meets expectations

      • Needs improvement

    • Comments:

  • Goal/competency 2:

    • Description: [Describe the goal or competency being evaluated.]

    • Rating:

      • Exceeds expectations

      • Meets expectations

      • Needs improvement

    • Comments:

  • Goal/competency 3:

    • Description: [Describe the goal or competency being evaluated.]

    • Rating:

      • Exceeds expectations

      • Meets expectations

      • Needs improvement

    • Comments:

2. Overall performance rating

  • Description: [Describe the goal or competency being evaluated.]

  • Rating:

    • Exceeds expectations

    • Meets expectations

    • Needs improvement

  • Comments:

3. Employee strengths

  • List the employee's strengths and key accomplishments, providing examples where possible.

4. Areas for improvement

  • Identify specific areas where the employee could improve or develop, including technical and soft skills.

5. Development plan

  • Outline specific actionable steps or training opportunities to help the employee improve in identified areas.

6. Employee comments

  • Allow the employee to provide their own comments or reflections on their performance.

7. Manager/reviewer comments

  • Provide detailed feedback and recommendations for future performance improvements.

Employee signature: ________________________ Date: __________

Manager/reviewer signature: ________________________ Date: __________

10 free performance appraisal templates to develop your team (2)

When to use this template (frequency): Annually or whenever a role opens up

Does an employee excel in their current role? If so, they may be suitable for a promotion. This performance appraisal template helps you determine whether an employee should move up in your organisation. It does this by providing a holistic view of a candidate’s capabilities and alignment with the new role's requirements.The template should be used whenever a promotion is being considered, as part of an annual review cycle, or to identify any skill gaps in employees you’ve earmarked for leadership.

Here’s a promotion appraisal form template to help you assess role-readiness:

Employee information

  • Name: [Insert]

  • Department/team: [Insert]

  • Current position title: [Insert]

  • Proposed position title: [Insert title]

  • Review period: [Insert review period here]

  • Reviewer: [Insert name of manager or reviewer]


This appraisal assesses the employee's current capabilities and readiness to take on a new role, potentially with increased responsibilities. Please rate the employee’s suitability for promotion by evaluating their performance, potential for growth, and alignment with the skill requirements of the new role.

1. Assessment of current performance

  • Key responsibilities: [List and assess current key responsibilities.]

  • Achievements: [Detail employee achievements and their impact.]

  • What their peers say: [Overall impression of the employee from colleagues.]

Overall performance rating

Areas for improvement

  • Discuss areas needing improvement based on performance in their current role.

2. Suitability for new role

  • New responsibilities: [Highlight additional responsibilities expected in the new role.

  • Rating:

  • Is primed for success

  • Is prepared for responsibilities

  • Isn’t ready for responsibilities

  • Comments: Share comments and observations regarding the employee's suitability to take on their new responsibilities.

Required skills and competencies

  • Necessary skills: [List needed skills to succeed in the new role.]

  • Rating:

  • Demonstrates expertise

  • Has all key skills

  • Some skills are lacking

  • Comments: Share comments and observations regarding whether the employee has the skills needed in the role.

3. Development and Support Needs

  • Barriers to overcome: Highlight their greatest challenges to succeeding in their new role – and what can be done to help the employee overcome these challenges.

  • Training requirements: [Identify required training or development programmes.

  • Support structures: Specify organisational support needed for the transition.

4. Leadership and initiative

  • Leadership potential: Assess the employee's potential for leadership roles based on their ability to take initiative, mentor colleagues, and drive projects forward.

  • Comments: [Discuss the employee’s leadership qualities and potential for assuming greater responsibilities.

5. Compensation and benefits adjustment

  • Current compensation: [Detail current salary and benefits.]

  • Proposed changes: [Outline proposed changes in salary and benefits.]

  • Justification for adjustment: [Provide reasons for changes in compensation.]

6. Overall recommendation

  • Based on the appraisal, recommend whether the employee is ready for a promotion and, if so, provide details on the recommended position and timeline: Insert your recommendation and any additional comments or considerations.

7. Employee's input:

  • Feedback on proposed role: This space is for the employee to share their perspective. They can comment on their career aspirations, areas of interest, and any concerns they may have regarding the potential promotion.

Employee signature: ________________________ Date: __________

Manager/reviewer signature: ________________________ Date: __________

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10 free performance appraisal templates to develop your team (3)

Personio offers customisable feedback templates, automated HR workflows and a single system to manage and track performance.

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5. One-on-one meeting and appraisal template

When to use this template (frequency): Weekly to monthly

One-on-one meetings are regular check-ins between managers and employees. They are key to effective employee engagement as they give managers the time and space they need to mentor employees, offer guidance, and keep track of individual performance.

For new employees, frequent one-on-ones can help accelerate onboarding. As employees become more settled, these meetings should transition to weekly, fortnightly, or monthly sessions to maintain momentum, motivation, and support.

This one-to-one meeting template follows the WASP format:

  • Welcome: Start the meeting with a positive greeting.

  • Ask: Open the floor to the employee to share updates, concerns, or feedback.

  • Supply: Provide insights or resources to address the employee’s needs.

  • Plan and part: Conclude by collaboratively planning the next steps and setting clear objectives for the next meeting.

The WASP format is adaptable for various discussion types, from performance feedback to career development and problem-solving. Here’s the one-on-one meeting template:

Employee information

  • Name: [Insert]

  • Department/team: [Insert]

  • Position title: [Insert]

  • Date of meeting: [Insert]


This meeting is an opportunity for open dialogue. Begin each session with a welcoming attitude to create a comfortable and constructive environment. Use this meeting to unpack any issues that may impact performance, whether they are work-related challenges, resource needs, or personal development barriers.

1. Welcome

  • Start the meeting with a friendly greeting to create a positive atmosphere.

  • Briefly summarise the purpose of the meeting to set expectations.

2. Ask

  • Employee's updates: Invite the employee to share their recent achievements and any challenges they are facing.

  • Encourage discussion about their current projects, responsibilities, and feelings about their role.

  • Notes: Take notes of achievements, challenges, or other significant points.

3. Supply

  • Manager's feedback: Provide specific feedback on the employee’s performance since the last meeting. Offer insights and responses to any issues or challenges mentioned by the employee.

  • Notes: Take notes of suggestions, feedback, and other significant points.

4. Review and reflect

  • Discuss key performance indicators: Review the goals set during the last appraisal and assess progress.

  • Evaluate performance against company standards and expectations.

  • Notes: Take notes of performance against KPIs.

5. Plan and part

  • Set new goals: Collaboratively set goals for the next period, ensuring they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART).

  • Development plans: Identify any training needs or support required to achieve these goals.

  • Next steps: Agree on action items for both manager and employee to address before the next meeting.

6. Closing

  • Summarise the key points discussed.

  • Express confidence in the employee’s abilities and reinforce your commitment to their development. End the meeting on a positive note, ensuring the employee leaves feeling motivated and clear about expectations.

Employee signature: ________________________ Date: __________

Manager/reviewer signature: ________________________ Date: __________

6. Annual performance appraisal template

When to use this template (frequency): Annually

As the name implies, this template evaluates an employee's yearly performance. Used for formal reviews, it assesses achievements against set goals, reviews skills, and aligns future objectives with organisational needs.

This template also reflects on past performance and sets the direction for upcoming challenges and opportunities, to ensure ongoing professional growth.

As the template guides meaningful discussions on career aspirations, skill enhancement, and professional development, it’s a foundational tool for employee motivation, setting future goals, and organisational advancement.

Here’s the annual performance appraisal template:

Employee information

  • Name: [Insert]

  • Department/team: [Insert]

  • Position title: [Insert]

  • Review period: [Insert review period here]

  • Reviewer: [Insert name of manager or reviewer]


​​This template facilitates a comprehensive evaluation of a team member’s performance over the past year, focusing on achievements, areas for improvement, and future growth potential. Please provide thoughtful answers to each section below.

1. Overall performance assessment

  • Key performance area 1: [Describe the key performance area being evaluated.]

    • Rating:

      • Exceeds expectations

      • Meets expectations

      • Needs improvement

    • Manager feedback:

    • Employee feedback:

  • Key performance area 2: [Describe the key performance area being evaluated.]

    • Rating:

      • Exceeds expectations

      • Meets expectations

      • Needs improvement

    • Manager feedback:

    • Employee feedback:

  • Key performance area 3: [Describe the key performance area being evaluated.]

    • Rating:

      • Exceeds expectations

      • Meets expectations

      • Needs improvement

    • Manager feedback:

    • Employee feedback:

  • Key performance area 4: [Describe the key performance area being evaluated.]

    • Rating:

      • Exceeds expectations

      • Meets expectations

      • Needs improvement

    • Manager feedback:

    • Employee feedback:

  • Overall performance rating: Provide an overall assessment of the employee's performance throughout the past year, considering their areas of improvement, and contributions to the team/organisation.

    • Manager feedback:

    • Employee feedback:

2. Goal achievement

Review of previous goals: Evaluate the employee's progress towards achieving the goals set during the previous appraisal period.

  • Rating:

  • Exceeds expectations

  • Meets expectations

  • Needs improvement

  • Manager feedback:

  • Employee feedback:

  • New goals for the coming year: Collaboratively set new SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goals for the upcoming year.

3. Skills and competency assessment

  • Technical skills: Evaluate the employee's proficiency in the technical skills required for their role and any areas where skill development may be necessary.

  • Rating:

    • Exceeds expectations

    • Meets expectations

    • Needs improvement

  • Manager feedback:

  • Employee feedback:

  • Soft skills: Assess the employee's soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving, and their impact on performance and team dynamics.

  • Rating:

    • Exceeds expectations

    • Meets expectations

    • Needs improvement

  • Manager feedback:

  • Employee feedback:

  • Training and development needs: Identify any training programs, workshops, or professional development opportunities that can help the employee further develop their skills and competencies, and support growth and career progression.

    • Manager feedback:

    • Employee feedback:

4. Career growth and aspirations

  • Career goals and aspirations: Discuss the employee's long-term career goals and aspirations and opportunities for advancement. Explore potential career paths within the organisation and strategies for achieving the employee's career goals.

    • Manager feedback:

    • Employee feedback:

  • Promotion and advancement opportunities: If applicable, discuss the employee's eligibility and readiness for promotion or advancement within the organisation. Provide guidance on the steps the employee can take to prepare for future opportunities for career advancement.

    • Manager feedback:

    • Employee feedback:

5. Performance improvement plan (if necessary)

  • Areas for improvement: Identify any areas where performance fell short of expectations and discuss strategies for improvement. Provide constructive feedback on areas requiring improvement and outline steps for addressing them.

  • Manager feedback:

  • Employee feedback:

  • Support and resources: Offer support, guidance, and resources to help the employee address performance gaps and achieve their goals. Discuss available resources, training, or mentoring opportunities to support the employee's professional development.

6. Next steps

  • Action plan: Summarise the key points of the appraisal discussion and outline the action steps that the employee and manager will take moving forward. Clarify responsibilities, deadlines, and any follow-up actions required to achieve the agreed-upon goals.

    • Manager feedback:

    • Employee feedback:

7. Mid-year appraisal template

When to use this template (frequency): Annually

The mid-year appraisal provides timely feedback that helps employees understand their progress and identify necessary improvements before the end-of-year review. It serves as an opportunity to assess achievements, adjust goals, and reinforce development plans.

This template comprehensively reviews performance, skill development, and support needs – offering actionable feedback and helping you plan the next steps to maintain momentum.

As mid-year evaluations serve as a check-in, they require less detail than yearly performance reviews. Here’s a mid-year appraisal form template:

Employee information

  • Name: [Insert]

  • Department/team: [Insert]

  • Position title: [Insert]

  • Review period: [Insert review period here]

  • Reviewer: [Insert name of manager or reviewer]


This template helps you evaluate employee performance over the past six months, focusing on achievements, areas for improvement, and future growth potential. Please provide thoughtful answers to each section below.

1. Progress assessment

  • Overall performance rating: Provide an overall assessment of the employee's performance throughout the past year, considering their areas of improvement, and contributions to the team/organisation.

    • Rating:

      • Exceeds expectations

      • Meets expectations

      • Needs improvement

    • What should the employee focus on to improve their performance before the end of the year? Provide guidance to improve their performance.

    • Manager feedback:

    • Employee feedback:

2. Goal achievement

Review of previous goals: Evaluate the employee's progress towards achieving the goals set during the previous appraisal period.

  • Rating:

    • Exceeds expectations

    • Meets expectations

    • Needs improvement

  • What should the employee focus on to achieve their priority goals before the end of the year? Provide guidance to help the employee achieve success.

  • Manager feedback:

  • Employee feedback:

3. Skills and competency assessment

  • Technical skills: Discuss the employee's technical abilities and identify opportunities for further skill enhancement.

  • Soft skills: Assess and provide feedback on the employee's soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving, and their impact on performance and team dynamics.

4. Feedback and support

  • Recognition of achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate the employee's successes and contributions to the team or organisation. Highlight specific achievements and the impact they’ve had.

  • Addressing challenges: Offer constructive feedback on areas where the employee may need to improve or overcome challenges. Discuss any performance issues or obstacles the employee has encountered and strategies for addressing them.

5. Training and development

  • Training and development needs: Identify any training programs, workshops, or professional development opportunities that can help the employee further develop their skills and competencies.

    • Discuss potential learning opportunities to support the employee's growth and career progression.

    • Discuss available resources, training, or mentoring opportunities to support the employee's professional development.

6. Next steps

  • Action plan: Summarise the key points of the discussion and outline the actionable steps the employee and manager will take moving forward.

    • Clarify responsibilities, deadlines, and any additional actions needed to achieve the agreed-upon goals.

    • Set a timeline for a follow-up and any check-ins that may be necessary to monitor progress.

8. Quarterly appraisal template

When to use this template (frequency): Quarterly

The quarterly appraisal template is meant for employees requiring regular, detailed appraisals. This template helps track progress against short-term objectives.

This makes it suitable for newer employees undergoing probation or requiring close monitoring and frequent feedback, as well as team members who are struggling to perform.

Generally, quarterly appraisals require less detail than mid-year reviews and even less detail than annual performance reviews.

By setting and reviewing quarterly SMART goals, evaluating skills, and providing structured support, this template maintains a clear path for ongoing development and achieving short-term goals. These are the cornerstones of exceptional staff appraisals.

Here’s the quarterly appraisal template:

Employee information

  • Name: [Insert]

  • Department/team: [Insert]

  • Position title: [Insert]

  • Review period: [Insert review period here]

  • Reviewer: [Insert name of manager or reviewer]


​​This template helps you appraise employee performance over the past six months, focusing on achievements, areas for improvement, and future growth potential. Please provide thoughtful answers to each section below.

1. Review of quarter

  • Overall performance rating: Provide an overall assessment of the employee's performance towards their goals during the past quarter, considering achievements, challenges, and areas for improvement.

    • Rating:

      • Exceeds expectations

      • Meets expectations

      • Needs improvement

    • Discuss the employee's performance against quarterly objectives and any notable accomplishments.

2. Key achievements

  • Highlight achievements: Recognise and celebrate the employee's key achievements and contributions during the past quarter. Highlight specific accomplishments and their impact.

  • Feedback on performance: Offer feedback on employee performance, emphasising strengths and areas for improvement. Offer constructive feedback.

3. Setting quarterly goals

  • Review of previous goals: Assess the employee's progress towards achieving the goals set for the quarter.

    • Discuss the extent to which the employee met, exceeded, or fell short of their goals.

  • Set new goals: Collaboratively set new SMART goals for the upcoming quarter based on the organisation's priorities and the employee's role and responsibilities.

    • Identify specific objectives and key results for the next quarter.

4. Skills and development

  • Technical skills review: Evaluate the employee's proficiency in technical skills relevant to their role and identify areas for further development.

  • Soft skills development: Assess and provide feedback on the employee's soft skills, such as communication, collaboration, and problem-solving, and discuss strategies to improve performance.

5. Feedback and support

  • Recognition and appreciation: Acknowledge the employee's efforts and contributions, and provide appreciation and positive reinforcement for their hard work, dedication, and commitment.

  • Addressing challenges: Discuss any challenges or obstacles the employee encountered during the quarter and provide support and guidance for overcoming them.

6. Next steps

  • Action plan: Summarise the key points of the appraisal discussion and share action steps that the employee and manager will take moving forward.

    • Clarify responsibilities, deadlines, and any follow-up needed to achieve the agreed-upon goals.

    • Agree on a timeline for follow-up and interim check-ins that may be necessary to monitor progress.

9. Compensation evaluation template

When to use this template (frequency): Annually or when a raise is appropriate

Does one of your employees merit a raise? Use this template to ensure employee compensation aligns with performance, market standards, and organisational goals. Appropriately awarding employees for their value is critical to maintaining engagement and improving retention.

The template is best combined with annual reviews or after significant project completions, providing a structured approach to evaluate and adjust salaries, bonuses, and benefits.

Here’s the compensation appraisal template:

Employee information

  • Name: [Insert]

  • Department/team: [Insert]

  • Position title: [Insert]

  • Appraisal date: [Insert date of appraisal]

  • Reviewer: [Insert name of manager or reviewer]


​​This template helps you evaluate an employee’s value to the organisation, and whether it aligns with their compensation package. Please provide thoughtful answers to each section below.

1. Performance review

  • Overall performance assessment: Evaluate the employee's performance, job knowledge, and contributions to the organisation over the past appraisal period.

  • Rating:

    • Exceeds expectations

    • Meets expectations

    • Needs improvement

  • Discuss the employee's performance against KPIs, achievements, and areas for improvement.

2. Alignment with organisational goals:

  • Contribution to organisational objectives: Assess the employee's alignment with the organisation's goals and core values, and their impact on achieving strategic objectives.

    • Discuss how the employee's performance has supported the organisation's mission and goals – and whether they embody the organisation’s values.

3. Market analysis

  • Market benchmarking: Compare the employee's compensation package with industry standards and market rates for similar roles.

  • Conduct a review of compensation data to ensure the employee's salary and benefits are competitive.

  • Ask the employee and their co-workers whether the employee is adding value over and above their role.

  • Share insights from salary surveys and their implications for the employee's compensation.

4. Performance-based compensation

  • Merit increase: Recommend a merit increase based on the employee's performance and contributions to the organisation. Specify the percentage or amount of the merit increase, if applicable.

  • Bonus eligibility: Determine the employee's eligibility for performance-based bonuses or incentives for achieving predetermined goals or targets. Discuss criteria for bonus eligibility and potential bonus amounts.

5. Additional compensation considerations

  • Equity and fairness: Ensure that the employee's compensation is equitable and fair relative to their contributions and experience. Determine any adjustments or considerations necessary to maintain fairness and equity in compensation.

  • Non-monetary benefits: Review benefits such as health insurance, retirement contributions, and other perks to ensure they remain competitive and aligned with the employee's needs and preferences. Discuss opportunities for enhancing non-monetary benefits to support employee satisfaction and retention.

6. Communication and transparency

  • Clear explanation: Clearly and transparently communicate the reasoning behind any compensation decisions, including merit increases, bonuses, or adjustments.

  • Opportunity for feedback: Allow the employee to provide feedback or ask questions regarding their compensation package.

    • Encourage open dialogue and address any concerns or inquiries the employee may have.

6. Next steps

  • Implementation plan: Outline the steps for implementing changes to the employee's compensation package.

    • Specify timelines and procedures for processing salary adjustments, bonuses, or other compensation changes.

10 free performance appraisal templates to develop your team (4)

10. Peer review template

When to use this template (frequency): Quarterly or after project completion

This peer review template helps performance managers gain insightful feedback from the team members who work closely with the employee being appraised.

Peers see aspects of a person's work that managers can’t, so this offers a more rounded view of an individual’s performance and professional behaviour.

This template follows the ‘stop, start, continue’ format, a simple structure that enables colleagues to offer guidance on what peers should stop, start, or continue doing in their roles.

Here’s the peer review template:


As one of the employees who works closely with this team member, please complete the short survey below. Your insights will help us understand their performance.

1. Overall performance score

How closely do you work with this person?

  • Every day

  • At least once a week

  • A couple of times a month

  • Less than once a month

  • Other:

  • Please rate the employee’s performance on a scale of 1–10. Here, 1 is terrible and 10 is exceptional:

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6

  • 7

  • 8

  • 9

  • 10

2. Stop, start, continue


  • What should this team member start doing?

    • Provide written insights on what they should start doing.


  • What should this team member stop doing?

  • Provide written insights on what they should stop doing.


  • What should this team member continue doing?

  • Provide written insights on what they should continue doing.

3. Performance goals

  • KPI/competency 1:

  • How would you rate their ability to [insert tailored KPI] on a scale of 1–5? Here, 1 is terrible and 5 is exceptional:

    • 1

    • 2

    • 3

    • 4

    • 5

  • KPI/competency 2:

  • How would you rate their ability to [insert tailored KPI] on a scale of 1–5? Here, 1 is terrible and 5 is exceptional:

    • 1

    • 2

    • 3

    • 4

    • 5

  • KPI/competency 3:

  • How would you rate their ability to [insert tailored KPI] on a scale of 1–5? Here, 1 is terrible and 5 is exceptional:

    • 1

    • 2

    • 3

    • 4

    • 5

4. Additional comments

How would you describe their communication and interaction with clients and team members?

  • Provide written insights on their interactions.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? If not, please type N/A. If yes, please elaborate.

  • Provide written insights or additional comments.

Level up your performance appraisals with Personio

Effective performance appraisals foster employee growth and ensure productivity. While the templates shared here offer you a solid starting point, it's a good idea to customise them to better address the unique dynamics and requirements of your team and organisation.

With tools like Personio, you can streamline and enhance the appraisal process. From automating time-consuming tasks to tracking performance and sending reminders to managers, Personio simplifies the entire performance review process.

This ensures you can easily and quickly conduct performance appraisals that build value, drive performance, and support your employees' in their career growth.

If you’re looking for a tool built to enhance performance management, then consider booking a free demo to see Personio in action.

Or, if you’ve got any questions, then please get in touch. We can talk about how our solution can help solve your unique challenges.

10 free performance appraisal templates to develop your team (2024)


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.